

Best Answer

Yes. Snus is more effective than other NRT products, like nicotine gum and patches, at helping people quit smoking.

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Q: Can snus help you quit smoking and chewing?
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Related questions

What are 3 different types of tobacco usage?

Smoking it (Pipe, Cigartte,Cigar, etc...)Chewing itInhaling it (See: Snus)

Is SNUS good for smoking?

better but not good

Three carcinogens found in smokeless tobacco products?

chewing tabacco snuff snus

Is using two camel snus portions a day better than smoking a few cigarettes a day?

Yes. Snus does not cause lung or mouth cancer, while cigarettes affect nearly every organ in the body. Scientific evidence suggests snus is 90-98% safer than smoking.

Is skoal a good biginners dip?

It can be, but i would recommend camel snus that is a better training wheel to chewing.

Is smoking more dangerous then using snus?

snuff goes up your nose then little partacles of it can go into your brain and cause migranes, brain haemorrages etc, so smoke up charlie.Answer: The question referred to snus not snuff. Snus is tobacco that comes in a bag similar to a tea bag. Snus is used by placing it under the lips. Snus has not been studied as extensively as cigarettes. The research that has been done shows that there may be a correlation between using snus and mouth cancer. Smoking as we all know can cause heart and lung issues as well as lead to strokes. Smoking dangers are more widely known because it has been studied more. if I had to choose the safer of the two I would choose snus. This is an opinion based on the facts. Both products carry serious health risks.

Does Sweden smoke tobacco?

Swedes enjoy tobacco, but the most common usage of tobacco isn't smoking it (even though is very common to smoke), snusing it. You can find more info on snus over at wikipedia:

Where did snus come from?

Snus originates from Sweden.

Is loose snus worse for you than portion snus?


What is marlboro snus?

Marlboro snus is a form of tobacco known as snus. It is smokefree and spitfree, and much safer than smoking cigarettes. However, it is not a very tasty brand of snus, and Camel Snus is a superior product in terms of nicotine content and taste.

Is there camel snus spice in Oklahoma?

Camel Snus Spice is no longer manufactured. It has been replaced by Camel Mellow Snus.

What are the ingredients in camel snus?

No telling. Swedish snus is MUCH higher quality and cheaper. Order some and you will think Camel snus is terrible.