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The only way someone could deposit money into your account is if they have your full bank account number with the name on the account. If they have this information yes they can deposit money any time they want.

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Q: Can some one add money to your bank acc without your permission?
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Can the lender freeze bank accounts?

In most cases, lenders cannot freeze bank accounts. They can, however, in some cases collect money from a bank account without permission from the account owner. That takes a judge's intervention. Most lenders will not go that far.

Can a bank or credit union change an unsecured loan to a secured loan without your permission?

No. You would need to pledge some security.

Can a loan company take money out of your bank account without permission?

No. No one can access your account without your permission. Some payday lenders will keep trying, even after you tell them not to. In that case, you should let your bank know what's going on and close your account. You can open up a new one that they don't have access to. I would assume that at one time you told them they could take payments out of your account, but if you tell them to stop then they are obligated to do so.

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No, If they are pedophiles, uU can earn some good money off of em :) Naw jk

Can a bank legally modify your checking account without warning or your approval?

Your bank can deduct amounts from your own accounts for several reasons. If you cash a check that cannot be collected by the bank the bank will deduct the amount of the check from any of your accounts that has a balance. It can do the same if you overdraw one of your accounts. You gave the bank permission to do so when you opened your accounts. The bank can take bank fees from your account and also fees for check orders.

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Yes, they should have some type information on you The bank wiring the money would have given you a transfer or confirmation number. If it wasn't the bank's fault, they will more than likely charge you a "service charge." I would be more worried about where my money had gone, then the bank charge.

If some one said their father died n left them the account number n code is it fraud if they want you to take out the money?

Personally i wouldn't think so, but i doubt it would be legal for the bank to give you that money. Saying that they might not even ask for identfication, i don't when i take money out that way. I'd probably ring the bank and ask for permission or something.....

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You certainly can ask the bank to give you an advancement on money. Some banks will do this for you if they trust you.

Is it bad to have a bank account?

no it is not because it saves all your money if you put money into it or your job puts money in for you or a company. and you can also take some money out of the bank

If a bank withdraws money from your account without notifying you are you responsible for NSF charges?

If the bank for some reason widraws money without your consent it has to be for a powerful reason (trouble with the law) they need an authorization paper from the court to widraw that money and later they would have to freeze it so that you can't use the account, that is normally in the US I don't know the procedure on an international country and it depends on what type of bank you are. I would need more info.

What are the benefits of putting money into a bank?

Some benefits of putting money into a bank are: 1. You save money for your future requirements like retirement, buying a house, children's education etc. 2. You earn interest out of your money deposited in the bank and hence you keep making money out of the money you put in a bank.

Can you supenea all bank accounts of spouse for the last seven years without their permission to do so?

If a court was to subpoena them, yes. Your spouse or the bank would have to turn them over or be punished, probably by getting charged with obstruction or something similar. The judge doesn't need their permission to subpoena 'evidence'. I'm sure you would need to be proving you were in some way affected by all the accounts in the subpoena.