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Q: Can someone be attracted to someone because of their smell?
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Because they don't wash their clothes enough and they have bad body odor it has to do with what you eat and it also depends on the person who is smelling it. since you are attracted to deferent scents one that might smell good to you would maybe smell bad to someone else it has to do with what you eat and it also depends on the person who is smelling it. since you are attracted to deferent scents one that might smell good to you would maybe smell bad to someone else

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because the fish are attracted to the worms movement and smell

Is there a psychological term for only being attracted to someone because of the fact that they're attracted to you?

Fear of rejection

Was thre a time in your life when you question your self attracted to someone?

Of course who hasn't. In all honesty though if your questioning whether or not your attracted to someone you should end it now. because if your really attracted to someone you won't question it.

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the reason why flies attracted to vinegar is its wet and the smell

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bees are attracted to sweet thing because that it is their way of survival. That is how they get to make their honey and get food. when they smell something good, they assume it is food

What does it mean when pigeons are attracted to you?

you smell nice if they come to you

Does a leopard get attracted to human blood or flesh?

yes actually the predator are sensitive to blood smell because the blood smell is the land mark of the injured animal and a easy to use prey.

How do you make someone attracted to you?

just be yourself and someone will eventually become attracted to you

Which animals are attracted to scent?

The animals that attracted to anise is mostly dogs and deer

Why do bees like the smell of nectar?

The main component of nectar is liquid sugar and most insects are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of it. Certainly honey bees are not attracted to flowers which have a nice smell but don't produce much nectar.

What if you feel powerless near transgenders?

What kind of power are you talking about? Are you attracted to them and that is why? Because that can be said for anyone who is attracted to someone. Our feelings makes us vulnerable.