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Both ears back flat: Angry

Stomping both front feet: Angry

Kicking: Angry

Biting: Angry

Freaking out (kicking, jumping up and down, eyes wide open): Spooked

Kicking: Spooked

Ears straight up: Happy

Tail bone sticking up: Happy or Exited

Ears look relaxed (not right up, not right down): relaxed and calm

One ear forward facing one ear backwards facing: Confused

Tossing head up and down : Exited, Happy, Bored, or it wants you to step back a bit.

Pacing back and forth: Not in good care and has become insane (can be caused from being in a small space for to long, for they NEED exercise)

Bobbing head back and forth rapidly: Not in good care and has become insane (can be caused from being in a small space for to long, for they NEED exercise)

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Q: Can someone help you with a long very specific list of horse emotions and behaviors that go with that emotion?
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Does someone have a very specific list of horse emotions and behaviors that go with the emotions?


What is a provoked emotion?

A provoked emotion is an emotion that is triggered or stimulated by a specific event, situation, or stimulus. It is a reaction to external circumstances or internal thoughts that elicits a specific emotional response.

Is quirky an emotion?

No, quirky is not an emotion. Quirky refers to someone or something that is peculiar, unconventional, or characterized by odd or unexpected traits or behaviors.

Is personality the same as emotion?

No, personality refers to enduring traits and behaviors that are consistent over time, while emotion refers to temporary feelings or reactions to stimuli. Personality is more stable and consistent, while emotions can vary widely based on the situation.

What does it mean to be 'stolid'?

To be 'stolid' means to show little or no emotion, to be unemotional or impassive. It refers to someone who is calm, steady, and not easily moved by emotions or external events.

Is preoccupied an emotion?

No, preoccupied is not an emotion. It means that someone is overly concerned or absorbed in thoughts or activities, but it is not a specific feeling in itself.

What is a conflicting emotion?

A conflicting emotion occurs when an individual experiences two or more emotions that are in opposition to each other, causing inner tension or confusion. For example, feeling happy and sad at the same time or loving and hating someone simultaneously. These emotions can be complex and challenging to navigate.

How can one help someone who feels emotionless?

You can help someone who feels emotionless by being there for them and comforting them. Just talking about it can relieve their emotions as the words that come out are true source of their emotion.

What are the emotions that are dealt with in Schizophrenics?

Schizophrenia can cause both blunting of affect (which means not showing emotions well) and lack of emotion.

What would you call someone who is incapable of showing emotion?

Someone who is incapable of showing emotion may be described as emotionless or unemotional. They could also be referred to as stoic or impassive.

Why would someone have a trial be jury instead of a judge?

One may be attempting to appeal to the jury's sense of emotion; whereas, a judge will not give into emotions as easily.

How is emotion used as a management skill?

Sometimes you have to make tough decisions that will benefit the company like letting someone go and you can't let your emotions get in the way of that.