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Q: Can someone hold something if there is no lease signed?
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In the state of Florida if you singned a lease agreement but you are getting a job tranfser can the landlord hold you responsible for the remainder of your lease?

If you signed a lease agreement.He can hold you responsible for the remainder of the lease.Unless you cancel the lease before you transfer.

If i signed a lease today and i don't want to move in that community but i want to stay with the management company do you think they will let me move in another community?

They may if they have the space, but they have the right to hold you to the lease that you signed.

If one person signed another person name on a lease is that lease still valid?

Probably not. But, if this was an attempt by the signer to create a loophole for getting out of the lease later, a judge might hold the person to it.

You have signed an application for an apartment and given the deposit and also the first month is it possible to cancel it?

If you have not signed a lease then yes, you are not tied down. But you may lose your deposit and/or your hold. But you should be refunded your first month's rent. If you have signed the lease than its a diffrent story. You can not back out of a lease unless the appartment ownership lets you. It is noramally a large fee (around $3500 in some instances). Take care

How do you write a letter to hold cheque?

If you have written and signed this cheque and given it to someone to pay for something then, in most countries, it is not lawful to hold payment on the cheque. If you have a problem with what you have purchased then the law of contract or consumer protection laws are your recourse.

What is the difference between carry and hold?

When someone holds something, they stay in one place. When someone carries something, they're moving.

Do you get your boyfriend to hold your hand?

no it has to be a mutual thing. He has to want to hold your hand. You cannot force someone to do something that they do not want to do or something that they do not feel comfortable doing.

How many syllables does the word leasehold have?

The word leasehold has two syllables. The syllables in the word are lease-hold.

Is a lease valid if you wrote on it if your landlord says you nullified it by writing on it?

The original lease (the master copy in the office) is binding. Any changes must be agreed to in writing by both parties before they are accepted as a legal modification to the lease. Doubtful that the lease is void just because the renter wrote something on it ... don't think that would hold up in a court of law.

What does Don't hold something in your arms that you would never hold in your heart mean?

It means that you shouldn't pretend to love someone. Or don't sleep with someone if you don't love them.

Will a signed piece of paper hold up in court if someone was forced to sign it and there was no witness?

When someone 'forces' you to sign anything, it has been signed 'under duress', and is not considered a valid contract.If you explain the situation during the time you signed the paper to the court and tell them that you signed it 'under duress', the judge should dis-allow the paper to be used as evidence against you.

What is the definition of pull?

Verb: to exert a force, typically by taking hold of something or someone, moving them toward yourself; to move steadily in a specific direction Noun: the act of taking hold of something and moving it toward yourself; the force drawing someone or something in a particular direction