

Can someone really be heartless

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes it is possible. My friend brychelle had a sister with half a heart.

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Q: Can someone really be heartless
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Can a person really be heartless?

One would be described as being heartless when they intentionally hurt someone on purpose for their own enjoyment. Most of these people lead very lonely lives.

What do you call someone who is bullying a disabled person?

sinical and heartless.

Does it make someone heartless to breakup with someone that loves them?

No, if love is not there for one person, it is harder in the long run but not heartless to break it off. The good thing about love is it can be felt again and again.

What does heartless mean?

It means that they show no mercy or compassion toward others. It is as if they do not have a heart, which is often figuratively used to mean the seat of the emotions and the source of human kindness.

How can you get over your guilt if you were mean to someone and the next day she committed suicide?

You just get over it, it's not that hard. But then again i am heartless, well if your a normal person you don't get over it, you live with it. If your heartless like me, you would be proud of it. -Heartless and Satanist since 97

What did Sora's Heartless look like when he became a Heartless in Kingdom Hearts 1?

It was just a regular shadow. A bit strange, cause you would expect that someone with a strong heart like Sora would leave behind a very strong heartless.

How do Emblem Heartless exist?

Emblem Heartless are artificial Heartless created by Ansem the Wise for his research on Heartless.

What is the plural of heartless?

Multiple heartless are heartless! Just like fish or sheep.

How do you use the word heartless in a sentence?

Bullies are heartless. Heartless comments hurt.

What are sentences for heartless?

No trees are heartless.

What does it mean when a man is heartless towards his girlfriend?

This means that he really don't like you, you need to move on.

What are nobodys from Kingdom Hearts?

Nobodies are like alternate people created when someone with a strong heart is turned into a Heartless. For example, when Sora was turned into a heartless, Roxas was created, because Sora's heart was strong.