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The Pizza would have to specifically be "gluten free" otherwise all pizza has gluten. Anything containing wheat, rye, or barley ingredients in any amount should not be consumed by someone with celiac. Even a trace amount can cause damage to the small intestines.

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12y ago

Yes. When Crohns is not active, a normal lifestyle is not only welcome but recommended. Even during a flare up of Crohns, patients often try to have as normal a routine as possible. Knowing there is a washroom facility nearby is always a good incentive for a patient with active Crohns to venture out socially.

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14y ago

it depends

you need to eat it to find out

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Q: Can someone with crohns disease eat at restaurants?
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Where can I find more information on crohns disease diet?

With colitis, there are foods that you shouldn't eat and foods that you should eat. Some foods you should eat are fatty greasy or fried foods and sauces (butter, margarine, and heavy cream), and also limit the dairy you consume.

Can you eat fruit if you have both Crohns and Celiac disease?

Yes, fruit, vegetables, and meats are very safe and probably the best thing to eat.

Did Dennis Kucinich suffer from Crohn's disease and cure it by eating vegan?

No, sorry. No one is cured no matter what you read. Crohns has no cure. Crohns patients have remissions and these can last for years but once you are diagnosed with Crohns disease you have it forever. A simple blood test can be done on even a patient in full remission and will always show up positive for Crohns. If it were that simple all of us who suffer from Crohns would gladly eat Vegan, it would be a great alternative to not eating at all during a flare up.

Would you be discharged from the british army if diagnosed with crohns disease?

Because of the nature of Crohns disease it may stay in remission long enough to serve out your hitch but don't count on it. Crohns can flare up anytime and stress is a big factor. Army doctors will have access to the latest meds used to control the symptoms but it is not curable. You will want to know where every latrine is during a flare up and it will disrupt your daily routines at the most inappropriate times. Check out the link for a US Army Staff Sargent with Crohns.

Is it bad to eat seeds and such when you have crohns disease?

If you have crohn's disease it is best to avoid anything that could scratch your intestines especially if you have chronic pain or are prone to flares. Nuts, seeds, popcorn, and anything fibrous could cause problems.

What is crohn disease and can you catch it?

Crohn's Diesease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. It involves an immune reaction against the intestinal tract. The diet of the person affected with this disorder varies. It is imperative you speak with the parents of the child to ask what he or she can eat.

What is a good inflammatory bowel disease diet?

When you have IBD, it's best to eat foods that are high in fiber and avoid greasy, fried foods. You can find information on what to eat for the inflammatory bowel diet at and

Is there an ulcerative colitis diet that can help to reduce the symptoms of the disorder?

Ulcerative colitis can be a horrible disease to have, but there are things that you can eat to help the situation.���ulcerative-colitis/���creating-an-ulcerative-colitis-plan

Is popcorn bad for Crohns' disease?

I'm not sure if it is actually good or bad for Crohn's, I think it depends on the person the stage of disease they are in. However, I can tell you that I can't eat alot of popcorn if any at all with my Crohn's. It gives me a terrible flare up. Hope this helps a little !

What causes Crohn's disease?

Experts are not sure, and studies and research are ongoing. Several theories exist but unfortunately, none of these theories has yet been scientifically proven. Most experts agree that the immune system of people with Crohn's disease reacts abnormally - it treats good bacteria, foods, and other substances that are good for us as foreign and unwanted substances. In other words, the patients own immune system attacks. This leaves us with the question, does Crohn's disease cause an abnormal immune system response, or does an abnormal immune system response cause Crohn's disease

Disorders of the digestive system?

There are many different disorders of the digestive system. Some of these disorders include gastroesophageal reflex, Alagille syndrome, appendicitis, diarrhea, jaundice, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, and polyps.

Are Jews allowed to eat in restaurants?

Religiously observant Jews will only eat in restaurants that are kosher certified.