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Certainly. To test this claim wind two balls of crocheting yarn, press them against your ears and turn the volume up on a radio really loud. I'm sure you will still hear it.

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Q: Can sound travel through yarn Not just string but thick crocheting yarn?
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Did the sound travel better through the string or through the air Why?

Sound will travel better in string because speed of sound on solids is greater than that in air. As string is a solid so sound will travel faster (or better) in string than in air

Does sound travel better through tight string or loose string?

check my answer

How does sound travel through a string instrument?

it is produced by the string vibrating on the instrument when you strum it.

Can sound pass through a string?

Sound can "propagate" along a string, i.e. travel along the string from one end to the other.

Why wouldn't sound travel through string if its curved?

It is to thin

How does sound travel through tin can phones?

The vibrations from your voice hitting the can travels through the string to the other can.

Why does the sound not travel through vacuum?

The sound not travel through vacuum because sound need a medium to travel.

Does sound waves go only through air?

No. They can travel through any object that is not in a vacuum. They can travel through air, through metal, through string, through water, etc.. However sound cannot travel through space. That is why it is the writer's discretion to include space ship sounds in movies such as Star Wars and Star Trek. They would in fact be silent in space.

How does sound travel along some string with a cup the other side?

sound is able to travel along a string by something thats called sound waves! The vibration from a voice/sound , it travels along the string until it comes in contact with an ending point with is anoth cup or aboject whwich allows you to hear the sound

Why can't sound travel through metal?

sound can travel through metal.

What can light travel through that sound cant travel through?

light can travel through a vacuum whereas sound cant

Sound waves do not travel through what?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.