

Can sound waves pass throug liquids?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, because sound is the result of the vibration of molecules. Liquids have molecules so the sound can travel through it. Next time you're in a pool, scream as loud as you can under water while somebody else is in the water at the other end.

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Q: Can sound waves pass throug liquids?
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What materials will sound travel through?

Sound waves will travel through gases, liquids, and solids. Sound waves cannot pass through a vacuum.

Do secondary waves travel through solids but not through liquids?

Secondary waves are transverse or shear waves which are able to pass through solids, but are not able to pass through liquids.

What is s waves and p waves?

P-waves are faster than s-waves. Both can pass through solid rock, but only p-waves can pass through gases and liquids === ===

What state of matter does sound energy pass through?

Sound can pass through any state of matter.

Why p waves can't pass through liquid?

Sure they can. It is the transverse waves (s waves) that can't travel through liquids.

Why can't secondary waves travel through liquids or gases?

S waves can only pass through solids. They cannot pass through liquids (e.g. water, molten rock).

What does the outer ear do to sound waves?

to funnel or pass sound waves through the ear to the middle ear

Is sound waves a gas?

no, it's a mechanism for transmitting sound. and sound isn't limited to gas either. It can pass through solids (you can listen through a wall or a door) and through liquids (you can still hear when your ears are submerged in a bath or a pool)

Can sound energy pass through an empty space?

Never. Sound propagates as longitudinal waves which are a kind of mechanical waves. These waves require a medium for them to pass. The medium can be either solid, liquid or gaseous. Thus, in empty space i.e. vacuum, sound can never pass.

What is the difference Between S waves P waves?

P-waves are faster than s-waves. Both can pass through solid rock, but only p-waves can pass through gases and liquids === ===

What three ways can differ electromagnetic waves from sound waves?

Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature where as sound waves are longitudinal. Electromagnetic waves can pass even through vacuum but sound waves are mechanical waves that means it needs badly a material medium Sound waves can be sensed by ear where as electromagnetic waves are sensed by eyes.

What type of earthquake wave can go through solids and liquids?

P-waves can pass through liquids,solids,and gases. A P-wave is a type of body wave that has an up and down motion. Another type of body wave is the S-wave. S-waves CAN'T pass through liquids but they can pass through solids and gases. I hope that answered your question. =)