

Can sound waves travel through steel?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Yes sound waves are made from vibrating atoms or particles and so any medium which contains particles can allow a sound wave to travel through it. The only thing a sound wave cannot travel through is a vacuum.

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Q: Can sound waves travel through steel?
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How do sound waves travel further through media such as water and steel?

dense media

Can sound waves travel through clouds?

Yes, sound waves can travel through clouds.

Why do sound waves travel faster in steel than in air or water?

steel sound waves always go faster in solids

Where do sound waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through matter, whether solid, liquid, or gas. They do not travel through vacuum.

Sound waves cannot travel on the?

Sound waves cannot travel through vaccum.

What materials will sound travel through?

Sound waves will travel through gases, liquids, and solids. Sound waves cannot pass through a vacuum.

How do sound waves travel to a satellite?

Sound waves require a medium to travel through, and, since space is a vacuum, sound waves can't travel in it.

Why do sound waves travel faster in steel than in air?

As wave is a type of disturbance and propagates through atom to atom of the medium and in case of steel atoms(molecules) are much closer as compared to atoms(molecules) so sound waves travel faster in steel than in air.

Would sound waves travel faster in water or steel?

I am not sure about distance, I think it may be further but NOT SURE, But, I do know it travels WAY faster in steel, something like 10 times faster.

Why can radio waves travel through space but sound waves can not?

Radio waves travel through empty space because they are electromagnetic waves, whereas sound is a wave that must travel through air.

What can't sound travel through and why?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum, such as in outer space. "Sound" refers to waves of compression which travel through matter. When there is no matter, there can be no such waves, and therefore no sound.

What type of waves travel through space?

Sound waves cannot travel through space.