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Q: Can spending too long on the computer make you aggressive?
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No. It might make you feel like it, but... no.

Can computer games make your child aggressive?

No. Many parents say it can, but it is scientifically proved not to.

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No, 'discretionary' spending is that which you choose to make rather than have to make.

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How long did it take for the first computer to make computations?

It took the first computer 1 hour and 36 minutes to make computations.

How long do you have to be in school to be a computer?

You can't be a computer. They are machines and you are a human. So far, we have not been able to make a human computer.

How do you make sentence aggressive?

The man acted aggressive and angry.When women stand up for themselves, men often call them "too aggressive".

Can competition makes children more aggressive?

Yes competition can make children more aggressive.

How do you make spiders more agrissive?

Spiders are typically very reclusive, although some types can be aggressive. If you startle or annoy most kinds of spiders you may make even shy ones aggressive, and those that are already aggressive will get more aggressive and they will try to bite you.

How does discretionary spending differ form mandatory spending?

mandatory spending refers to money that lawmakers are required by existing laws to spend on certain programs and discretionary spending is spending about which government planners can make choices

Is spending a lot of time on a computer bad for you?

It can be very bad for you you can get worse eyesite Not going out to mess around can make you FAT you can get artritus in your figures for typing to much and you will have a lolny life with no friends :D