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Don't do it! Your life (and others) depends on the effectiveness of your brakes. Consult a garage for advice.

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Q: Can substitute clutch fluid with brake fluid?
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Where do you put clutch fluid in a 1995 ford escort?

It uses brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid (brake fluid) is fed by the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid reservoir is just beneath the brake fluid reservoir. So, add fluid to the brake fluid reservoir to fill the clutch fluid, also.

Is clutch and brake fluid the same thing?

Yes, there is no such thing as clutch fluid. It's all brake fluid.

Where is the clutch fluid reservoir for 1988 325i?

The clutch fluid is located in the same reservoir as the brake fluid. As a dot 4 brake fluid, used for the breaks and the clutch.

What kind of brake fluid do you use for your 97 Honda Civic clutch?

Brake Fluid Dot 3 Note: Brake and Clutch fluid are the same

Where does clutch fluid go in a 2007 Hyundai Elantra?

The clutch uses DOT 3 or 4 brake fluid, and shares the reservoir with the brake system. The brake fluid reservoir is the same as the clutch fluid reservoir.

What kind of fluid is in 300zx clutch?

There is no fluid in the clutch....The clutch master cylinder takes DOT 3 brake fluid. It is the same fluid that you put into the brake master cylinder

Does 93 Mazda mx3 have a clutch fluid reservoir?

1. Clutch fluid is brake fluid. 2. The fluid used for your clutch master/slave cylinders is pulled from your brake fluid reservoir.

What kind of fluid is clutch fluid?

You put brake fluid for the clutch master cylinder

Is clutch fluid or brake fluid same?

It can be, a lot of hydraulic clutch systems do use DOT 3 or 4 brake fluid.

Where to add clutch fluid in 1988 F 250?

The fluid for the clutch comes from the brake fluid. After the brake master cylinder, there is a clutch master cylinder which takes fluid from the brakes. Fill up the Brake master cylinder.

Toyota Corolla clutch fluid?

The fluid in the clutch master cylinder is brake fluid. Use DOT 3 or similar brake fluid for fluid replacement.

On my 1998 ZX2 there is a fluid container on the front just next to the radiator cap on the passengers side is this the clutch fluid if not what is it and where do i fill up the clutch fluid?

The clutch fluid and the brake fluid can both be filled in the brake fluid reservoir.