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Q: Can subthreshold stimulation cause an action potential?
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What is sub threshold Depolarization of nerves?

Subthreshold depolarization refers to a small increase in the membrane potential of a nerve cell that does not reach the threshold for generating an action potential. It is a graded response that occurs when the membrane potential of the nerve cell approaches but does not exceed the threshold for firing an action potential. Subthreshold depolarizations can summate or integrate within the cell to reach the threshold and trigger an action potential.

Why would thermal stimulation increase an action potential?

By applying a thermal stimulation into the nerve, means you stimulate it. So with a thermal stimulation, you're already made a possibility to increase the Na+ flow faster.Because as heat, Na ions will move faster than room temperature. They move faster, cause the flow move faster, then the stimulate reach the threshold or even more than that.. causes the increased of action potential

Does strong stimuli cause the strength of action potentials to increase?

No, it doesn't become "larger" - the peak potential is always the same - it is a digital signal. Stronger stimulus will cause the nerve cell to fire more often - therefore stimulus strength is translated as action potential frequency.

If the axolemma becomes more permeable to potassium ion?

a stronger stimulus will be required to cause an action potential

What is the difference between action potentials and synaptic potentials?

A synaptic potential exists at the INPUT of a neuron (dendrite), and an action potential occurs at the OUTPUT of a neuron (axon). (from OldGuy)(from Ilantoren:) A synaptic potential is the result of many excitatory post synaptic potentials (epsp) each one caused by the synaptic vesicles released by the pre-synaptic terminus. If there are enough of these epsp then the responses will summate and depolarize the post-synaptic membrane at the axon hillock enough to fire an action potential.

Related questions

What is sub threshold Depolarization of nerves?

Subthreshold depolarization refers to a small increase in the membrane potential of a nerve cell that does not reach the threshold for generating an action potential. It is a graded response that occurs when the membrane potential of the nerve cell approaches but does not exceed the threshold for firing an action potential. Subthreshold depolarizations can summate or integrate within the cell to reach the threshold and trigger an action potential.

Why would thermal stimulation increase an action potential?

By applying a thermal stimulation into the nerve, means you stimulate it. So with a thermal stimulation, you're already made a possibility to increase the Na+ flow faster.Because as heat, Na ions will move faster than room temperature. They move faster, cause the flow move faster, then the stimulate reach the threshold or even more than that.. causes the increased of action potential

What is the relationship between the action potential and the synapse?

A synapse and an action potential have a flip-flopping cause and effect relationship, in that an action potential in a presynaptic neuron initiates a release of neurotransmitters across a synapse, which can then subsequently potentially trigger an action potential in the axon of the postsynaptic neuron, which would then cause release of neurotransmitters across a following synapse.

Why does injection of a local anesthetic into a finger still cause a loss of the sensation of touch from the finger?

Touch stimulation of this sensory receptor will open the mechanically gated ion channels, but action potentials are still not initiated because propagation of an action potential requires the opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels

Does strong stimuli cause the strength of action potentials to increase?

No, it doesn't become "larger" - the peak potential is always the same - it is a digital signal. Stronger stimulus will cause the nerve cell to fire more often - therefore stimulus strength is translated as action potential frequency.

Potassium channels open late in the action potential to cause membrane?


Increased vagal stimulation would cause?

"Increased vagal stimulation would cause..." The heart rate to decrease.

Which fibers carry action potential to cause skeletal muscles to contract?

Alpha motor neurons

Why does meth amphetamine cause wildly sexual stimulation when other times there is none?

Methamphetamine can cause wild sexual stimulation when a person does not have this stimulation on a regular basis because the drug can cause the body to produce more hormones.

Do action potential cause electrical and chemical change in neuron?

Yes, you see when a action potential process is taking place the negative ions are in the center of the nerve and the positives are on the outside, during the action potential however they swap places, which in doing so changes the electrical and chemicals in the nerve cell.

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What is the cause of the relative refractory period?

The Refractory period is when a second action potential is possible, but unlikely; second action potential only if the stimulus is sufficiently strong. The refractory period helps to prevent backflow of Sodium.