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Q: Can sun exposure cause swelling
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Can sun exposure cause lips to swell?

Having a too much sun exposure can cause your lips to swell. It is important to put lip balm on your lips just as you do sun screen on your body.

Is the sun harmful to us?

Consider the last sunburn you had. Over exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.

What effect can repeated sun exposure have on your skin?

Through sunbathing, you can develop skin cancer from not wearing sun cream, wrinkles, dark spots on the skin and lots of freckles

Why does the sun cause swelling of the water in the body?

As the water evaporates it causes the body the to swell up

How is exposure to sun bad?

Depending on how much sun you take in daily, if you take in too much, it can cause some cancers

Is sun exposure good with cellulitis?

Is sun exposure good for cellulitis

Can you get cancer by being inthe sun too long?

Yes it is possible to get cancer by being in to sun . Excessive exposure to sun can cause many harmful effects. And being exposed to sun for too long can also cause cancer.

Could a scalp sunburn cause forehead and eye swelling?

no YES...the sun can cause swelling in your forehead and eyes..Ive seen it many times.Theres not much you can do except to ice it and wait it out.Some people have a reaction to the sun even if they never have before..your body reacts with fluid build up.

Why do weget tanned in sun?

When our skin get exposure to sun our skin darken. And skin darkening due to sun rays is known as tanning. Tanning is cause due acceleration in melanin.

Will direct sun exposure damage the watch?

No, direct sun exposure will not damage the watch.

When will sun exposure be outlawed?

It is impossible, and will never happen. Sun exposure will never be outlawed, since the sun is unavoidable.

What happens before sun exposure?

before sun exposure you are your normal skin tone/color.