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There is no known food that can prevent acne. Acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands.. so really it just has to do with how to take care of your skin. Vitamin D can help some, but it's not guaranteed.

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Q: Can sushi prevent acne problems
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If you have a acne free face and you use acne products will it prevent?

If you have acne free skin you should not use acne products to prevent it. This may not cause acne but may cause rashes or other skin problems. But if you had acne and by using acne products you got acne free skin, in that case you need to use acne products to maintain your condition. This will definitely help to prevent zits. However the recommended usage of product would be lower than what you used to use with acne condition. The best guide would be a dermatologist or an expert's advice. I have listed a useful resource for you.

Do you know where I can get pimple treatment?

When experiencing long term acne problems what is needed is not just treatment but also steps to prevent the acne from getting worse. An in-depth look at what can be done to lessen the outbreak of acne and the current treatments can be found at the WebMD Acne Health Center Section.

What prevents acne?

Nothing. You can't 'prevent' acne. You can somewhat get rid of it by using acne lotions, and washes, but you can't 'prevent' it.

What is the fastest way to prevent acne?

go to your dermatolagist and get their help. if your acne is bad they will probably prescribe you a pill that will prevent your acne. it has helped me alot.

Does a pore minimizer facial wash prevent acne?

Facial washes can help prevent acne. However, alone it cannot cure acne.

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Say Goodbye to Acne: How to Treat and Prevent Breakouts

How can teens prevent acne?

Teens can prevent acne by taking good care of their skin and also eating a healthy diet.

What vegetables help prevent acne?

If you have acne or are looking to prevent it, the more water the better! If you are thinking about veggies that prevent acne, pick veggies or fruits with a heavy water base. For example, celery and watermelon. Carrots are also great!

What foods can reduce acne?

There are no foods that will prevent acne as such. But foods that are high in vitamins and minerals and low in fats and sugars, particularly fresh fruit and vegetables, will encourage healthy skin and minimize skin problems.

What should you do for after delivery acne problems?

Yes, it is normal to have acne problems after delivery as the body is going through a lot of hormonal changes.

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Can sushi be contaminated?

Sushi, especially the raw fish in sashimi, can be easily contaminated. Sushi restaurants have to follow strict ordinances for food safety to prevent this. You don't have to worry about it at established sushi restaurants because if a sushi restaurant were to sell contaminated sushi the health department would shut them down.