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Q: Can sweet paprika powder be a substitute for achiote in making homemade chipotle sauce or puree?
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What can you substitute for paprika?

Regular paprika. They are both made from sweet red peppers.

What can you substitute for Hungarian paprika?

Regular paprika. They are both made from sweet red peppers.

Can you substitute chipotle pepper powder for chili powder?

Yes you can. you will have to grind it and add cumin and garlic (other components of chili powder). Chipotle is dried smoked chilies. Some other spices to consider for chili powder are onion powder, paprika (dried smoked peppers)[Spanish P. is made with mild peppers, Hungarian P. is made with either hot or sweet peppers], marjoram(oregano), coriander(cilantro), salt and black pepper.

Where does the spice paprika come from?

Paprika originally comes from Hungary (But was brought to Hungary in the 17th century by the Turks) But the Turks got it from the Spanish who got it from the South and Central American Indians in the 15th century. They are a New World plant and food as are the rest of most of the chili or other peppers in the world. In fact, the Mayans were smoking (as in drying, not inhaling), jalapeños, called chipotle, a Nahuatal Indian word, when Columbus hit the coast line.

Spice made from ground peppers?

You can make homemade spices from ground peppers. Ground cayenne, ground red pepper, and paprika are some options that you can make from scratch.

What is paprika extract?

it is the extract from paprika #swag

How do you say hi in paprika?

You do not say "hi" in paprika, for paprika is not a language. It is a spice. Sorry to break it to you.

What is the birth name of Paprika Steen?

Paprika Steen's birth name is Paprika Kirstine Steen.

What is the meaning of paprika in Telugu?

The Telugu/English dictionary translates Paprika to Paprika or Spanish Paprika in English. Paprika is a spice made from the ground fruit of the Capsicum Annum which is a Bell Pepper or a Chile Pepper.

How do you say Spanish smoked paprika in Spanish?

If you want to say I smoked paprika (who knows it´s possible haha) you say "Fumé paprika" If you want to say smoked paprika you say "Paprika fumada" or if using in descibing a recipe for cooking you say "paprika ahumada"