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You can copy a table in Excel and paste it into Word. You will lose any formulas, but the resulting values will be retained. You can also link a Word document to a table in Excel, which will allow changes in the Excel table to be maintained in the Word document.

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Q: Can tables in Excel be used as tables in Word?
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What are the primary functions of Word Excel and Powerpoint?

The primary function of Word is to create documents, Power point is to create slides. Excel can be used for calculations and tables.

Is tabs used in Excel to add worksheets columns and row titles etc?

No. That is a feature of Microsoft Word tables, but not Excel. There are specific options for inserting rows and columns in Excel.

When integrating Word and Excel Word is usually?

Word normally hosts data from Excel. It can display charts that are linked from Excel and will show data from Excel in tables in Word. A Paste Link can be set up, so that if the data changed in the Excel document, it will also change in the Word document.

Are tables a major part of Excel?

An Excel worksheet is a grid, so effectively a table. Any part of it can be used as a table. There are also specialised kinds of tables in Excel, like Pivot tables and one way and two way Data tables. There are also specialised table functions. So in many ways, tables are a major part of Excel.

Can you take a Word table and turn it into an Excel document?

You can copy a table from Word and paste it into Excel. Although a lot of people do not realise Word tables also have the facility to accept simple functions, though not anywhere near as many as Excel can.

What are the pivot tables normally used for?

Pivot Tables help you organize and sort data. They are easier to use for summary and analysis than a plain spreadsheet. Pivot Tables are used in Microsoft Excel programs.

What are similarties between word tables and excel worksheets?

They are organized into rows and columns.They can have a border around the cells.

Advantages of using Word over Excel when creating tables?

Word has specific facilities to create tables, which Excel does not. Excel is already in a tabular format, with its columns and rows, but Word allows you to do a table of a specific amount of rows and columns. It will also automatically allow you to have borders on it. If your table is purely for text, then Word is better. Word can do calculations in tables, something many people do not realise, but Excel is better for doing them. You can copy and paste a table with calculations from Excel into Word. You can then use Word to add some extra elements in formatting. Word is good for having more formatting for text that you may have in a table. If you want to mix a table with large amounts of text, such as having a report that includes some tables in it, then Word can deal with that very well. You can position the table within the document in whatever way you want. By just having some borders showing, you can use Word's tables facility to design different kinds of diagrams and charts that have a structured layout. So unless you have a large amount of numbers and calculations in your table, Word is a better option than Excel.

What software program is used to generate charts and graphs from numeric tables?

Microsoft office excel

What is the difference between a pivot table in Microsoft Excel and a table in Microsoft Word?

They are radically different. A table in Word, just displays your data in a tabular form. A pivot table has a lot of functionality, enabling you to do things like calculations, picking different types of calculations, switching the table layout, changing what pieces of the data that it is based on that you use. Pivot tables are used to analyse data and simply manipulate the results as you do so. Tables in Word can actually do simple calculations, something many people don't even realise, but they can't do the same kinds of things a pivot table can do. Pivot tables are closer in their function to a Crosstab query in Access, than to a table in Word.

Advantages software can Excel be integrated with Word?

Excel and Word can be integrated. You can have some of the spreadsheet appear as a table in Word. If you set a link between them, then when Excel updates, so will the Word document. Word does have the facilities to do its own calcuations in tables, but they are limited and so Excel is better. So if you want the figures in a Word document and to keep them up to date as they change in the Excel document, then a link is the way to do it. You would copy the data you want in Excel, and then do a Paste Link in the Word document.

Definition of Microsoft Excel?

When you create a spreadsheet or workbook then a corresponding file is created on your machine, that file is known as excel file.