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I would not advise it, especially if you've never taken it before. You can't be sure how it will affect you. You might become manic and hyperactive, which could make it harder to take the test.

I've taken Adderall or Ritalin in college, when I needed to write an entire paper in a night or something. And it works very well for that purpose. But taking it for a test is different.

Adderall and Ritalin can help you stay focused and alert when you have a lot of academic work to do in a limited amount of time. Most people can't concentrate long enough to write an entire paper in a night. Adderall/Ritalin will keep you focused and driven, so you can keep working for hours and hours straight.

But a test only takes one or two hours to complete. So it's not necessary to take something that will help keep you working for hours and hours.

To do well on a test, you just need to be able to remember what you've learned. And Adderall/Ritalin won't help you with that. It can help you study for the test, by keeping you alert and focused so you can study for hours and hours. But it won't help you remember what you've learned while you're taking the test.

Also, it usually helps to be relaxed when you take a test, and you won't feel relaxed if you take Adderall. It could make you nervous, jumpy and irritable.

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Q: Can taking 2 Adderall for the first time help you take a test?
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