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No, of course without any other illness or drugs as anticoagulants.

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Q: Can taking Vitamin E supplements with Cholesterol-lowering medications cause uncontrollable bleeding?
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What can cause uncontrollable bleeding if Vitamin E supplements are taken along with it?


Taking vitamin E supplements along with can cause uncontrollable bleeding?

Along with what? By itself, Vitamin E helps your body utilize Vitamin K, which in turn helps with blood clotting, thus helping prevent uncontrollable bleeding.

How do you rise heomoglobine in blood?

If you are bleeding them stopping the bleeding will help. Addressing iron or vitamin deficiencies by taking supplements will help. There are medications that can be used in some situations.

When the body cannot compensate for uncontrollable bleeding the result is?


What is the term used for people who bleed a lot?

A hemophiliac is someone who has uncontrollable bleeding.

What happens when the body cannot compensate quickly enough for uncontrollable bleeding?

If someone is not there to control the bleeding (or the person, if capable), the person will die.

Does a bleeding ulcer cause uncontrollable urinating?

A bleeding ulcer (in the stomach) is very dangerous and in some cases can even cause a person to bleed to death, however, it has no connection to the bladder and does not cause uncontrollable urination. A person could have both a stomach problem and a bladder problem, but the problems are separate.

How is anthrax most likely to affect us in the future?

this infection will cause anal bleeding followed by uncontrollable erections then you will die

Can pliers pull a molar easily?

Yes, but that doesn't sound like a very healthy idea. - For instance, what if you had uncontrollable bleeding after doing this.

Is bleeding during a tattoo normal?

Bleeding can occur but mostly no. People do bleed, however, when the consume alcohol before the tattooing or when taking medications prior to the tattoo to help relieve the pain. Alcohol and medications act as blood thinners which cause more bleeding than normal.

Why is placenta previa a dangerous condition?

The mother is at risk of severe and uncontrollable bleeding (hemorrhage), with dangerous blood loss. If the mother's bleeding is quite severe, this puts the fetus at risk of becoming oxygen deprived

What OTC medications can help reduce the symptoms of menorrhagia?

Such medications as ibuprofen and naproxen can also help reduce the bleeding and any cramping associated with it.