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Q: Can testicular cancer spread down the legs. If so how is it treated and can it be treated successfully?
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Can testicular cancer spread?

yes it can spread

Testicular cancer always occurs in both teste either at the same time or successively and about 2-3 percent occurs in one testis?

This statement is incorrect. Testicular cancer is always unilateral (only on one side). If testicular cancer is found in both, it is almost always metastasis, which is spread of the cancer from one testis to the the other.

What is the treatment for Head and neck cancer?

The cancers can be treated successfully if diagnosed early. The choice of treatment depends on the size of the tumor, its location, and whether it has spread to other parts of the body.

How many people in their 20's die from testicular cancer?

Actually dying from testicular cancer is very rare. It has a 90% cure rate even if it has spread around to other organs. I do not know exactly the number of deaths, but it would be small.

Does a needle biopsy result in the cancer growing and spreading faster?

yes it helps on spread of tumour in some cases such as testicular tumour

Is testicular cancer treatable?

If it is detected and treated early enough it can be cured, if left untreated it can be fatal.

What causes death from oral cancer?

If the oral is not treated it will spread & cause death.

What did Tiger Woods' dad die of?

Tiger Woods' dad died of cancer in 2006. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1998 and although he was treated successfully for several years, the cancer returned and spread throughout his body.

What can happen to you if you don't get your testicular cancer treated?

Prostate cancer can become terminal if left untreated- however, it is very easily treatable nowadays and most men make a full recovery from it. It's unusual to die of the disease in the Western world these days.

How does ovarian cancer kill you?

After metastasis , or if the primary cancer is untreatable , the destruction of tissue is what actually causes death . IF TESTICULAR CANCER GOES unchecked and not treated, it will "metastasize", meaning it will spread to other parts of the body. It may first spread to the lungs, to bone marrow, to the liver, the brain, etc... and it will get to the point where it is spread throughout the body, and becomes untreatable. Then soon your body will succumb to the disease and you will die. If testicular cancer is caught early it's curable. My husband has two friends that had it 15 years ago and they are just fine. Men have a habit of working hard and try ignoring symptoms they may have and it could be out of fear or they have a feeling they are never going to get sick. They get diseases like everyone else. So, for all men, when they see something on their body, or just don't feel right they should see their doctor right away. It could save your life!

Why should testicular cancer be treated immediately?

Cancer of any kind must be identified at the earliest because cancer worsens due to continuous multiplication of the carcinogenic cells. If the site of the cancer is identified, then the infected tissue can be removed and the patient can be saved. But if the identification takes place at a later stage, the cells multiply to a dangerous number and the survival chances of the patient diminish.

Having pain in one testicles having backpain too?

This is not a good sign. If you have testicular pain and back pain you need to see your doctor to get evaluated. Among other causes testicular cancer can cause pain in a testicle and it likes to spread to the lower back and then to the brain. Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in men under the age of 40, and is easily treatable if caught early.