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Spinosaurus was larger than Tyrannosaurus, but they mostly hunted fish. Tyrannosaurus had a much greater bite force and regularly hunted large and dangerous prey like Edmontosaurus and Triceratops. They may have even lived in packs, which would give them a huge advantage. In a one on one fight, I would guess that either could kill the other, although in most combat between two species one will surrender before either die.

As a final note, Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus lived on separate continents millions of years apart, and thus they never would have encountered each other in life.

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What is bigger a spinosaurus or a t-rex?

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Which is better, T. rex or Spinosaurus?

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A cougar, also known as a puma, can never kill spinosaurus. A cat less than 2 metres long could never kill an 18 meter long dinosaur which is the biggest carnivorous dinosaur.

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it can be spinosaurus giganotosauru or carcharodonthosaurus

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Spinosaurus could be killed by its rival Carcharodontosaurus,by the way about the whole tyrannosaurus rex vs spinosaurus fight in jurassic park 3 was FAR from what really would have happened if these two met each other,despite some movies and inacurate documentaries say, spino was NOT 50 to 60 feet long but actually about 40 to 50 feet long[about the same size as tyrannosaurus rex] and it was not a superpredator that role went to Carcharodontosaurus while Spinosau ate 20 foot long fish,baby Paralititan and its favorite prey Ouranosaurus

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The spinosaurus.

Is there a bigger dinosar than trex?

yes spinosaurus and giganotosaurus were bigger than t rex and so was the brachiosaurus and many other dinosaurs.

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Spinosaurus is the biggest flesh eating dinosaur.