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Hello, It has been noted that some Birth Control can cause nipple discharge in a few women due to the hormones contained in the birth control. However nipple discharge does require medical evaluation and you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. Nipple discharge occurs for a variety of reasons. During pregnancy it is known as colostrum and will not occur before the 5th month of pregnancy. Anything prior to this is not pregnancy related and should be mentioned to your doctor. Clear or colorless discharge can be caused by nipple or breast stimulation of a milk duct infection. Milk or white colored discharge is usually caused by too much progesterone, breast stimulation, milk duct infection or pregnancy. Rusty of blood colored discharge may be caused by a severe infection in the milk duct tissue or papilloma. Please see your doctor about this as what I have said is advice only and should never be used in place of a medical experts.

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Q: Can the birth control pill cause nipple discharge?
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Can the birth control pill cause brown or black discharge?

Yes, the birth control pill can cause brown or black discharge. Any amount of brown, black, or red discharge is considered a "period" or withdrawal bleed when you're on the pill.

Can the birth control pill cause a yellow discharge without odor?

The birth control pill can change vaginal discharge, but a yellow discharge is a possible sign of infection. See your health care provider as soon as possible.

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Is producing nipple discharge dangerous?

Nipple discharge is a common symptom, particularly with pregnancy or nipple stimulation. Hormonal imbalances can also cause nipple discharge. Rarely, nipple discharge can be a sign of cancer. See your health care provider for accurate diagnosis.

Can the birth control patch cause breast discharge?

Not as far as I am aware, you should tell your doctor about this.

What could be the cause of brown discharge during the second week of taking birth control pills?

Hi, Causes of vagina discharge while taking birth control are: * Implantation bleeding. * Withdrawal bleed from missing one or more pills. * Urinary tract infection. * Pregnancy.

Can nipple discharge arrest the menstruation?

Nipple discharge and absent periods is a combination of symptoms that always deserves a checkup. Take a pregnancy test first if you are at risk of pregnancy. If that's not the cause, there could be a hormonal imbalance that is causing this combination of symptoms.

What meds cause vaginal discharge?

There are a variety of medications that can cause women to get a yeast infection and in turn cause some discharge. Birth control pills can cause women to get yeast infections because they create a change in hormone levels. Antibiotics are also known to cause yeast infections. If you have abnormal vaginal discharge you should seek medical attention to rule out any other issues. best of luck.

Can the birth control pill cause vaginal discharge?

Some women will experience an increase in normal, healthy discharge (leukorrhrea) in response to the hormones in the birth control pill. A few women will experience an increased incidence of yeast infections on the birth control pill. In either case, changing to a pill with a different mix of hormones can be helpful. If this symptom is troublesome to you, contact your health care provider. But if you have any pain, bleeding, odor, itching, irritation, or rash associated with the discharge, see your health care provider soon for testing for infection.

Skipped one birth control and you saw one day brown discharge but still not real period why?

You are just spotting. Missing one pill won't cause a period.

Does birth control cause birth deffects?

Although there is very little evidence to prove this some doctors believe that hormonal birth control can cause birth defects.