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Q: Can the birth control shot Depo-Provera cause anxiety?
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Could anxiety and depression be related to long-time use of the Triphasil birth control pill?

Hi, Some birth control pills can cause some peoples anxiety to become more pronounced but its uncommon. Best thing to do is see your doctor and speak to him about your worries.

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Although there is very little evidence to prove this some doctors believe that hormonal birth control can cause birth defects.

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It is possible that birth control can cause drowsiness. If this is a persistent issue it is best to consult a health care provider.

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No it will not.

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Paracetamol does not prevent pregnancy, and it does not affect how well birth control works.

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Birth control can cause this to happen don't worry

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Birth control pills do not cause infertility.

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You get a withdrawal period AFTER you go off birth control.

Does birth control cause enamel breakdown in teeth?

No it does not.

What are the effects of overdosing on birth control pills?

An overdose of birth control pills could cause nausea and breast tenderness. It will not kill you, cause an abortion, or make you infertile.

Can the birth control pill cause depression?

Get off the birth control pill! It is known to cause breast cancer, clotting and in some cases strokes. That little pill is simply not worth it. Talk to your doctor if you are sexually active as there are other options you could be using. YES!! I used to take Ortho Evra and I was a nut case. I was depressed and emotional all the time. My sister can't take anything so far or she is real emotinal. I started taking the shot and I think that because it has no estrogen it is better for me. Hormones make your body act in different ways and some forms of birth control have hormones that others don't. I would keep trying until you found the right one for you, you don't have to feel as bad as some will make you feel. Yes and no. Some can increase anxiety and depression, and some don't. I started birth control to help with my depression and anxiety, and it works very well. It varies from person to person. Talk to your doctor to find a birth control that would work best for you. I had to try a few different kinds of pills until I got one that helped reduce depression and anxiety. I would ask ablout a low hormon birth control pill,they are usually used in pre menapausal women .I was having a lot of trouble with my bc pills making my anxiety worse and then my Dr. put me on I forget the name but it helped.

Is it possible that stopping Yaz birth control in mid cycle can cause panic and anxiety attacks?

From experience, that is what is happening to me right now. I stopped Yaz mid cycle and now I am having panic attacks. It's horrible!