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This is my opinion only, but the word "narcissist" is a bandaide for all the hurting, egotism, selfishness, bone-cutting, stomach-wrenching behavior from one self inflicted spoiled brat! I don't even like the word, because it's so misused and I believe we have to look at each situation and face the fact there are just some selfish, mean and rotten people out in the world. We have the control to take a wide berth around these people or if we are conned into a friendship or an affair without realizing their true nature, then we have the control to leave that relationship. If you have ended a friendship the person could be simply angry, hurt and really may not see that they have been the cause of the split-up. However, be honest with yourself and find out if you weren't partially to blame. Lack of communication and having no backbone to speak up when a friend or lover hurts your feelings is the cause of most split-ups. Generally, when we end some relationships it all simply came down to not "nipping bad behavior in the bud" or "lack of communication." Yes it can. They feel the need to control so when the controlling person is gone, they take control in the next relationship because they can.

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Q: Can the end of a long friendship or relationship in which the narcissist was not the controlling figure trigger the narcissism to come to the surface?
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If narcissism for guy what is the term for girl?

Narcissism is not a sex-differentiated term. A male can be a narcissist, a female can be a narcissist.

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No relationship at all. While some gays can be narcissist, that is a character flaw that has nothing to do with being gay.

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Maybe the person that is a narcissist was trying to hide it.

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Unfortunately, narcissism is a life long disease. If your partner is clinically narcissistic, there is very little hope of him or her ever changing.

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You are saying at what age do they stop showing signs of narcissism but they can't because you are saying they are not really a narcissist so how can they!

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yes they can, in my experience the child's narcissism is a result of being raised by a narcissist ,

What is the difference between a narcissist and a s?

Narcissism is a psychological disorder. S is a letter.

How does a narcissist make someone feel wrong and him right?

Check my previous answer on narcissism!

Is it possible for a victim of a narcissist to become a true friend of the narcissist after leaving the relationship for a second time?

No. A victim of narcissism will probably leave that relationship with several insurmountable obstacles to friendship. First, victims of narcissism will typically be filled with rage (unless they have bought into the lies of the N and have been broken down). Since there is no reasoning with a N, they have years of unresolved hostility that has not been able to be expressed. Second, it seems that the N loses his/her "human" status to many victims. It is impossible to view the N as a human being with normal emotions, thought processes, or predictable reactions. That's because a N does not have normal, adult emotional processing. They are broken. Unfortunately, there is no fix/cure for narcissism and there is no hope of maintaining a healthy relationship with one who suffers it. The victim needs to walk away -- for good. And in the end, it's what the N expects anyway.

How do you diagnoise narcissism?

You see the pattern's of behavior and you make a diagnoses. Usually if you tell these patterns to a Dr. they will recognize it as narcissism because the narcissist will never admit that they truly are one.

What is the relationship between narcissism and co-sex dependency in regards to the victim?

None. Codependency doesn't exist in a relationship with a narcissist.They use sex to brainwash you. Read WOMEN WHO LOVE PSYCHOPATHS (the book) it will explain it all.And get away from that Narcissist ASAP and into