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Of course. That's what co-signers are agreeing to when they co-sign.

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Q: Can the lending company sue the cosigner on an auto loan if borrower doesn't make payments?
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Is the cosigner the only one responsible on the loan?

The primary borrower is responsible for making the payments and adhering to the terms of the lending contract. The cosigner is legally obligated only if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement or files bankruptcy (chapter 7).

Is a cosigner on a car liable if the primary borrower is at fault in an accident?

No. A cosigner's only obligation is the debt incurred by signing the lending agreement.

Can a cosigner live in a different state than the borrower?

That depends on the lending institution, but most lenders will accept an out of state cosigner as long as the person qualifies.

Can a cosigner who is on the title of a leased car be sued for not paying any payments on the car when the primary leasee is paying off the loan?

First of all it would not be possible to be on the title of a leased vehicle, as the leasor retains ownership rights. A cosigner is only responsible for the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement.

What is the insurance liability for the cosigner of an auto loan?

None. A cosigner is entering into a legally binding contract to repay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement. The cosigner does not have any other obligation nor ownership rights to the property.

Does a cosigner have rights to a vehicle?

No, a cosigner only has the legal obligation to pay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement.The exception to this would be if the cosigner is a joint title holder of the vehicle.COSINGER!Does a consignor have rights to the vehicle if the people who is buying the car never missed a payment?

What are the rights of borrowers when the cosigner is considering a lawsuit to force them to take a second mortgage so the cosigner can recover money paid because the mortgage was defaulted on?

The cosigner has the right to file a lawsuit against the primary borrower's to recover his or her financial losses due to the defaulted lending agreement. The procurement of a second mortgage does not seem viable if the primary borrower's credit was not originally sufficient for them to obtain the loan without the need of a cosigner. It is more likely the house will have to be forfeited by means of foreclosure and the cosigner will have to try to recover losses by other means. The primary borrower's best choice is to obtain legal advice as to what their options are before a lawsuit is filed against them.

Is the buyer still responsible for buying a vehicle if the cosigner refuses to sign?

The primary borrower is always responsible for the debt if he or she has signed a valid lending agreement. It would seem logical that if the lender required the primary to have a cosigner and the named person refused to take on that responsibility then the transaction would not occur.

Been in jail 9 months car in collection want to start making payments?

Contact the lending company.

Use forbearance in a sentence associated with foreclosure?

Forbearance in a lending context is a mortgage lender's delay of foreclosure proceedings in order to give a borrower a chance to bring up-to-date overdue payments.

If you cosigned for a car and it got repossessed voluntarily what will it do to your credit and will you owe?

Whether a repossession is done "voluntarily" by the primary or through the action of the lender, the primary borrower and the cosigner are still legally responsible for all the terms of the lending agreement. The affect the repossession has on the cosigner's credit history will depend upon the actions of the lender to recover the debt owed.

What is the purpose of commercial real estate lending?

The purpose of commercial real estate lending is to use the commercial estate as a collateral to secure repayment of the mortgage loan. The borrower may be a partnership, incorporated business, or limited company.