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Q: Can the moon and the sun rise at the same time?
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What time of the day do you expect the new moon to rise?

The new moon rises about the same time that the Sun does.

Why would you choose this topic does the moon rise every night at the same time and in the same location in the sky?

No. Moonrise can occur day or night. The moon is not related to the sun at all. Since our way of measuring time is relative to the sun, the moon does not rise at the same time every time.

What time of day does a new moon rise?

The New Moon rises with the sun.

Is it true that the moon can also rise and sets as the same as the sun?

Yes, that could happen with a new moon.

When does the moon rise with sun?

The only time the moon rises with the sun is during a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses only occur during a new moon when the moon is between the earth and the sun.

If you have sun and moon at the same time does Australia have a moon at this time?

yes you can see the moon in Australia when the sun and moon can be seen in America !!!! its crazzy !

What time does the full moon rise Can it be seen in the eastern or northern sky?

The Full Moon rises at roughly the same time as the sun sets.Like every other astronomical body, the moon ... at whatever phase ...rises from the eastern horizon.

Why does the full moon rise at the same time when the sun goes down?

To be full moon, the Moon has to be opposite the Sun - that way, we see the whole of the illuminated side. The only way for the moon to be on the opposite side of earth is for it to be on the night side. Thus the full moon cannot be out during the day.

Why does the sun rise everywhere at the same time?

It doesn't.

Why sun does not rise everywhere at the same time?

It doesn't.

Where is the full moon at sunset?

When the moon is full, it will just be rising in the east as sunset. The full moon is exactly opposite the position of the sun.

Does the sun turn into a moon or the sun goes down and the moon goes down?

The Sun is always illuminating one side of the Moon and one side of the Earth. When the Earth turns away from the Sun, we can see the sunlight reflecting off the Moon. The reflected light is not as bright, but it's closer. Sometimes you can see the Moon and the Sun at the same time, but the Full Moon cannot rise until after sunset.