

Can the most outgoing guys be shy when they like someone?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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yes because they may be afraid that the girl they like wont like them

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Q: Can the most outgoing guys be shy when they like someone?
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what kind of boys does a shy girl want?Shy girls like sweet caring guys but guys who also are outgoing that way they make the 1st moves so the girl doesn't have to until she really feals comfterble around him then she makes her other wise they like them caring and not shy. Well there are tons of answers. Coming from my opinion girls don't usually go for a specific type of guy. But in most cases girls like guys who are willing to communicate. Shy girls tend to like guys who are the usual sweet and caring. When the girl is artsy she tends to like shy artsy guys too. But not all the time. It really varies. Coming from me, Im on the shyer side and I usually like the guys that talk to me and seem happy. Girls don't really like sad guys. Unless this girl is trying to solve this guys life and see why he's sad. Shy girls in most cases want you to make the first move. After that she may even have an outgoing side to her. Shy girls want to feel comfortable around you.

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It depends upon girls. Some like shy guys and some don't.

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It really changes from one guy to another. I would say that "most" shy boys like outgoing girls, but not everyone will agree.

Does a boy like an outgoing and courageous girl?

It depends on the boy's preference. Different boys like different personalities and looks. Overall, yes, outgoing girls are the easiest to talk to and make less awkward moments than shy ones. Shy girls do have their cute moments though. As long as outgoing and courageous doesn't go hand in hand with reckless and obnoxious than a guy should like it. In the end just be yourself and people will either like you or not like you for who you are. Just remember everyone has personal preferences and just because one person doesn't like something doesn't mean another person will too. There's a Mr. Right out there for everybody, just don't rush anything even if it's hard. Overall, guys like girls that won't leave them in an awkward silence or moment. Courageous and outgoing girl have a tendency not to do that(:. In other words, being courageous and outgoing are very attractive traits for most guys. Just make sure that you're not overbearing.

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