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Either party to an order can file a motion to modify the order. State law dictates when a protection order can/will be modified or terminated.

If you are the original petitioner, you will have the right and the opportunity to appear and present your position that the order should not be modified, if he is given a hearing on his motion.

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Q: Can the restrained person on an order of protection move to terminate the order?
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Related questions

When is a plaintiff of an order of protection in violation of the order of protection?

Never. Only the restrained person can be in violation. The order of protection does not protect the restrained person.Another View: The above is not necessarily true in all instances. In some states the plaintiff may also be held in contempt of the order if the plaintiff uses the order as a 'weapon' to bully the respondant by either inventing circumstances or purposely placing themselves in situations where the respondant must flee or leave a location in order to avoid being found in violation of the "distance rule" or whatever restriction the plaintiff is trying to use to harass them.

How to marry a person who has an order of protection against you?

Marrying a person who has an order of protection against you is breaking the law. You have to get the order lifted before getting married.

Is It legal to get a restraining order on someone whos just ugly?

No. Fortunately, for some of us, being ugly is not illegal and therefore cannot be the subject of a restraining order. An ugly person cannot be restrained from coming withing a certain distance of you nor can that person be restrained from being ugly any more.

How can you get a personal protection order terminted?

To get a personal protection order terminated, you typically need to file a motion with the court that issued the order. You will need to demonstrate to the court that the reasons for the protection order no longer exist or that it is no longer necessary for your safety. The court will then review your motion and may schedule a hearing to make a decision on terminating the order.

What happens if the protected party breaches a order of protection?

The answer will depend on the specifics of the order and the statutes in your state. However, in most states, a restraining order (more accurately called a "an order of protection") is a court order which can only be altered under the authorization of a judge. Neither the protected party or the restrained party are permitted to interpret or alter or ignore any provision of the order.Therefore, if a no contact order is issued, and the protected party invites the restrained party over for a quick chat "just to sort things out" both parties are in violation and , in some states if it is a DV related order, both parties MUST be arrested for violation of the court order.

Could you get in trouble for contacting the person you have a protection order on?

Yes you or I will

Can a town get a restraining order against a person?

In the common usage of the term where a party is restrained from contacting another party, no. However, sometimes injunctions are also called restraining orders. In that context, the municipality may be able to get an order restraining someone from doing something. For example, a person may be restrained from tearing down a building until the historical value of the building is investigated.

If a husband get an order of protection can he travel with his wife in another country?

If the husband has an order of protection from his wife, it applies everywhere. If a person has a protective order restraining another person from contacting them, and would then like to have contact with that person, the person who obtained the order should go back to the court and ask the court to dismiss the original protective order.

What causes would an contracting officer have to terminate a commercial purchase order?

The contracting officer can terminate a commercial purchase order for cause:

Can you get married in Arizona to someone who you have a restrained order in New Mexico?


If a judge grants a protection order can it be stopped by the abused?

yes the person who filed the order can cancel the order at any time.

What is peace order committee?

its a court order offering protection to certain classes of person who are not eligible to petition for a protective order.