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Marrying a person who has an order of protection against you is breaking the law. You have to get the order lifted before getting married.

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Q: How to marry a person who has an order of protection against you?
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Can i get married with an order of protection against the person i want to marry?

Yes just as long as you get it removed.

Can a 17-year-old girl break an order of protection that was put into place by her parents against her boyfriend and marry the person that the order of protection is against?

as soon as you turn 18 its the law actually now the legal age is 17 so and you can get rid of an order of protection and the age legally at 16 but at 16 you have to come up with a good reason for getting rid of it and at 17 you become legal age you should be able to and if the order of protection is off then yes you can get married

What do you do if you have a temporary protection order against a person?

Well, you stay away from them temporally ...

What happens if the person tries to contact you that filled an order of protection against you?

Do not respond. It could be a trick. If you don't have an order against them, they can technically contact you. But if you respond to them, you will violate the order. If their contact persists, you can get a protective order against them for harassment.

Can you marry a person you have an order of protection against?

I'd like to know why you'd want to marry someone you have an order of protection against. If this person has hurt or threatened you seriously enough for this order to be issued, what has changed about them? What makes you think that they aren't going to hurt you again? Abusers are very convincing when they say they're sorry or they say 'I've changed'; I know I was married to one. If you violate this order by letting this person back in you life, then sometime in the future, when (and I didn't say "if") they hurt you again, you'll have no protection, because you violated this order. This person just might want revenge for being turned in. If you call the police and they find out about the order, they won't do a thing to help you.Please find someone else, even if this person says they want to marry you. Some try to go for treatments or counseling to make improvements, but most never change. This person will eventually kill you. An abuser is always an abuser. NO! I'd like to add that if you filed the order of protection under false pretenses (i.e. you lied in the application to hurt him or so that you would be eligible for financial assistance from the government or because a social worker threatened to harm you if you didn't), then you would need to submit a motion to vacate to the court explaining that the accusations were false, and the judge would have to vacate the order, or you would have to wait for the order to expire before you could marry him.

Can you marry someone who you have a restraining order against in Indiana?

Yes. However, the marriage would require the person to violate the order, opening themselves up to criminal liability. If you have a protective order against a person but decide you no longer want that person to stay away, you should return to the issuing court a petition to have the order withdrawn.

How to lift order of protection against you?

Only the court and the judge can lift an order of protection. You have to petition the court and they can help you.

Can you own a gun while you have a protection order?

Against you? No.

Can you marry a person you have a injunction against?

No. An injunction is a court order that requires that person not to come in contact with you. As an aside, why would you want to marry a person who requires a restraining order? * An injunction can be applied to many different matters both as a restraint or an order to take action, therefore the question needs to be more specific. In general any order that is in affect and is arbitrarily violated by the petitioner becomes null and void.

Can a jail be held liable if they release you to a man who put a order of protection order against you?


Can you lift an order of protection against someone?

Not unless the person being protected by the order wishes it to occur. Unless you are the parent or legal guardian of the individual being protected you do not have the legal 'standing' to ask the court to withdraw the order. If the petitioner wishes to have their protection order lifted, they can return to the same court which issued it and request that it be withdrawn.

Could you get in trouble for contacting the person you have a protection order on?

Yes you or I will