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Well, you stay away from them temporally ...

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Q: What do you do if you have a temporary protection order against a person?
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How to marry a person who has an order of protection against you?

Marrying a person who has an order of protection against you is breaking the law. You have to get the order lifted before getting married.

Can i get married with an order of protection against the person i want to marry?

Yes just as long as you get it removed.

What happens if the person tries to contact you that filled an order of protection against you?

Do not respond. It could be a trick. If you don't have an order against them, they can technically contact you. But if you respond to them, you will violate the order. If their contact persists, you can get a protective order against them for harassment.

How to lift order of protection against you?

Only the court and the judge can lift an order of protection. You have to petition the court and they can help you.

Can you own a gun while you have a protection order?

Against you? No.

Can a 17-year-old girl break an order of protection that was put into place by her parents against her boyfriend and marry the person that the order of protection is against?

as soon as you turn 18 its the law actually now the legal age is 17 so and you can get rid of an order of protection and the age legally at 16 but at 16 you have to come up with a good reason for getting rid of it and at 17 you become legal age you should be able to and if the order of protection is off then yes you can get married

How heavy is the burden of proof on a petitioner for an order of protection?

It is totally up to the petitioner to present substantiated evidence to convince the court that a PO is necessary. Generally the court will issue a temporary order and then set a hearing date where the petitioner and the named person will appear to state their case. In an emergency temporary order of protection, a petitioner does not have to provide any proof or evidence. Many orders of protection have been issued based on unsubstantiated accusations. To make it permanent, the petitioner must only be "more believable" than the respondent. -Tim

Can a judge order temporary child support through an order of protection?

Generally, no. You need to file a petition for temporary child support. The laws vary in different jurisdictions. You should visit the local family court and inquire there.

Can a jail be held liable if they release you to a man who put a order of protection order against you?


Does a temporary PFA take effect if I haven't been delivered it or Served it.?

A PFA is granted as a result of domestic violence and it is likely that you are subject to it even if you havent received your copy. If you know that someone has obtained a Temporary Protection From Abuse order against you then you should avoid that person until you receive your copy in the mail so you can review the terms and provisions. Although you obviously did not appear in court for the hearing the complainant did and the complainant knows the terms of the order. If you approach the complainant before you receive the order you may be the subject of an arrest.

Can you lift an order of protection against someone?

Not unless the person being protected by the order wishes it to occur. Unless you are the parent or legal guardian of the individual being protected you do not have the legal 'standing' to ask the court to withdraw the order. If the petitioner wishes to have their protection order lifted, they can return to the same court which issued it and request that it be withdrawn.

Could you get in trouble for contacting the person you have a protection order on?

Yes you or I will