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'''Yes and no. If you eat alot of fish, you could smell like it. But if you shower after eating or wash your hands after eating, the only thing that will smell is your breath(unless you use a mint or brush teeth) Also consider sweat glands after digestion'''

"Additionally, certain food odors tend to stick on skin and hair. People who smell like the food they eat are those who don't take baths or shower frequently."

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Yes, it can.

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Q: Can the sense of smell effect the taste of food?
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Which sense is closely tied to smell?

The sense of taste. When you are attracted to the nice smell of food, you can sometimes taste it in your mouth as if you were eating it!x

What is the physiological process that would be affected by the lack of smell?

The sense of taste would be affected by the lack of smell. The sense of taste influences food preferences and food choices.

If you have asthma does it affect how you taste and smell food?

Having Asthma doesn't affect your sense of smell and taste

Name three factors that influence your appreciation of food?

sense smell and taste

How are the senses taste and smell different?

the sense of smell is, because if you cant smell then you cant taste

What two senses determine whether you like a certain food?

The sense of smell and taste.

Can an anosmic taste?

Since an anosmic cannot smell food, their ability to taste is impaired. A person with a fully functioning sense of smell uses it to identify food and sense flavor. However, since 40% of taste consists of information that is relayed from only the taste buds, an anosmic is technically able to taste. It is just impaired.

Why in most animals the sense of smell is more developed than the sense of taste?

Most animals sense of smell develop es faster then their sense of taste because most animals depend on their sense of smell. For Example: if a animals eyes were like messed up or damaged they are going to have to use their sense of smell cause their sense of taste isn't all ways reliable

Why you can't taste food when you have a bad cold?

Because the sensation of taste is closely tied to your sense of smell. The combination of your taste buds and the smell of food is what makes your brain recognize a taste. When you have a cold, your nose gets clogged and you can't smell as well as you normally can, so in your head, foods don't taste the same because you're not getting the normal amount of "taste information" from your nose" This is also why people hold their nose when eating something they don't like and why inhaling when you're eating spicy food makes them seem spicier.

Why should you not feel food tasty when suffers from cold?

Because a cold dulls your sense of taste and smell.

What is the interaction between taste and smell?

How are smell and taste related? The answer is simple: When we taste, we use our sense of smell. Have you ever noticed why when you have a cold, or you've plugged your nose, you can't taste the food in your mouth? This is because we assume automatically that what we are smelling is going to taste that way. So it does. Most of the time. When you taste, you are using your sense of smell to kind of tell you what it is that your eating. If you were to close your eyes and hold your nose and then taste apples and a potato, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference. At all. Except maybe the texture. ~Thanks, WorldBook 2001 Edition.

Can you taste without smell?

No, because 70-75 percent of taste comes from smell. Taste buds allow the perception of only bitter, salty, sweet and sour tastes. It is the odor (smell) molecules from food that give the most taste sensation. You might taste a little, but not enough. Yes, you can taste without smell. I was born with anosmia (no sense of smell) and I can taste things just as well as the next person.