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if there is a statute of limitations, then by definition it can

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Q: Can the statute of limitation run out on attempted murder in Oregon?
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Is there a statute of limitation on attempted murder in Pennsylvania?

Yes, there is a limit in Pennsylvania. It is five years for conspiracy to commit a major felony.

What is the statute of limitations on attempted murder in South Carolina?

It depends on the details of the offence. Was the person raped during the course of the attempted murder? - if so, no limitation date applies. Also, when the person eventually dies, if the autopsy shows that the death was in anyway causally related to an old injury (caused by the attempted murder), which could be a simple infection, then the death will be found attributable to the attempted murder and changed to a murder charge and thus no limitation applies. Hope this helps.

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There is no statute of limitations on homicide (capital murder) in the USA.

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What is the statute of limitation in a capital murder charge without evidence?

Most places will not have a statute of limitations on murder. Even without evidence, they will continue to search for the perpetrator.

Is there statute of limitation in South Carolina?

Depends on the crime..... murder = no other crimes = yes

What is the statue of limintaions for attmeted mureder in kansas?

Murder has no statute of limitation anywhere in the United States.

What is the statute of limitation for intoxicated manslaughter in Texas?

Murder, manslaughter, and certain sexual assaults: none;

The statue of limitation for the crime of murder is?

in most jurisdictions, there is no statute of limitations for murder.

In 1996 the legislature voted to remove the statute of limitations on criminal murder cases what was the limitation on murder before that?

I believe it was 7 years.

Statute of limitations on murder in England?

There may not have been one. Every state sets their own limits. Many don't have any statute of limitations for murder.

What is the statute of limitations in Sweden?

It differs from different types of cases, but an example is murder, which completely lost its statute of limitation three years ago. (Meaning, you can never get away from murder.)