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As might be expected, poverty has recently taken a large upswing; but as a rule, all of the 'wars on' end up being about controlling the particular agenda. These are usually signals that those who apply for Gov money will shortly be tacking 'to fight the war on poverty' onto the end of their requests.

But these ignore the root cause of poverty. A debt instrument for a dollar, where every dollar in circulation is debt-created, *necessitates* poverty, as others scramble to repay debt. The only sane way is to escape the current private system; we are at its mercy. See the link.

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Q: Can the war on poverty be won?
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Which president declared a war on poverty?

Lyndon Johnson is noted for his war on poverty . Some say that poverty won.

Who declared a war on poverty?

Lyndon Johnson was the president who declared war on poverty. Poverty won.

Was the Vietnam War on Poverty a good or bad idea and how did it turn out?

Your question is unclear. Do you mean Lyndon Johnson's "War on poverty" or "The Vietnam War?" Never heard of a "Vietnam war on poverty."

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The war on poverty.

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I think poverty war is worse since the climate are uncontrolled and the chance to win a poverty war are higher but I need more ideas so what do u think

Did Lyndon Johnson win the war on poverty?

There are still a Great Many poor people in the United States of America, so while there was some help for the poor and life did improve thanks to LBJ attempts to help the poor; No the war on poverty in the USA was Not won, by LBJ nor the Presidents since 1968.

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The Vietnam war distracted the American people from Johnson's plan for a "Great Society".

What were battles with plains and Indians like?

One of the majestic wars that included Indians was the French War. It started in 1792 and ended in 1802. In the war, Native Americans sided with the French and waged war against the British. In the end, casualties were high, but the British still won resulting in less Native American land and poverty.(There was poverty, because the British had spent a lot of resources in the war.)

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Was President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty a success or failure?

During the Lyndon B. Johnson administration, the president began a series of programs aimed at reducing poverty in the US. This "war on poverty" has not been a success. Poverty remains a problem in the US.

What undermined the War on Poverty?

the human condition.