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Q: Can there be a wrong diagnosis for trisomy 18?
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Can trisomy 18 be cured?

There is no cure for trisomy 18

Can Trisomy 18 be detected?

Trisomy 18 can be detected before birth

Is trisomy 18 fatal?

Most children born with trisomy 18 die within their first year of life

How often does trisomy 18 syndrome happen?

Trisomy 18 occurs in approximately one in every 3,000 newborns

Which genetic disorder does an extra chromosome cause?

trisomy There several types of trisomy, the most well known is probably Down syndrome, which is trisomy 21.

Is trisomy 18 sex-linked?


What trisomy causes Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by the presence of a third chromosome 21

What is another name for trisomy 18?

Edward's syndrome

What is the different autochromosomal abnormalities?

Common autosomal chromosomal abnormalities include Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), and Turner syndrome (monosomy X). These abnormalities result from errors in chromosome number, leading to characteristic physical and developmental features. Diagnosis is often made through genetic testing such as karyotyping or chromosomal microarray analysis.

What is Trisomy 18 syndrome also called?

Edwards' syndrome

What is Edwards' syndrome also called?

Trisomy 18 syndrome

Are there cases of trisomy besides down syndrome that can survive?

My son is 3 years old with full trisomy 18. I have some videos on youtube that I've put together with lots of trisomy families I've found on facebook. My awareness video is of over 100 surviving kids of trisomy 13 and 18. Just go to youtube and search 'trisomy awareness' or trisomy advocacy' and you'll find them. There is also a website called '' that has stories of over 100 trisomy 13 kids on it. I, also, personally know of two kids with trisomy 8. So, yes, there are cases of kids surviving trisomies other than trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome). :) Alisha Hauber