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Yes, theres A medicine cat and an apprentice, maybe there can even e 3? who knows.

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1mo ago

No, traditionally each clan has one medicine cat who serves as the healer and spiritual guide for the clan. Having more than one medicine cat would go against the established customs and traditions of the warrior cat series.

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Q: Can there be more than one medicine cat in a clan?
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What happens in warriors if the medicine cat dies and there is no apprentice?

If a medicine cat dies and there is no apprentice, the Clan leader can choose a cat to train as the new medicine cat. They can select any cat within the Clan to become the new medicine cat, typically a young cat with an interest in herbs and healing. Once chosen, this new medicine cat apprentice will begin their training with guidance from StarClan and any remaining knowledge of the previous medicine cat.

Does leafpool leave the clan after they found out she had kits?

no she just gives up being a medicine cat and becomes a warrior instead. this was not her choice, she broke the medicine cat code as was forced to by star-clan

Was Spottedleaf a great medicine cat?

Yes, Spottedleaf was respected by all her clan mates and was an excellent medicine cat for many moons.

How does it get in the way if a medicine cat falls in love?

If a medicine cat falls in love, it can distract them from their duties to their Clan, as their loyalty should be first and foremost to their responsibilities as a healer. It could also create conflicts of interest or bias in decision-making, leading to potential breaches of the code of the Clans.

What happens if a medicine cat in warrior cats have kits?

Medicine cats in the Warrior Cats series are not allowed to have kits, as their main duty is to serve their Clan by tending to the health and welfare of the cats in their Clan. If a medicine cat were to have kits, they would be breaking the medicine cat code and would likely face consequences such as being stripped of their position.

What heals a warrior cat?

Warrior cats in the "Warriors" book series are typically healed with poultices made from herbs by the medicine cat in their clan. These poultices help treat injuries and illnesses, with specific herbs having different healing properties for different conditions. The medicine cat plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the warrior cats in their clan.

What is Leafpool's place in the clan after she steps down from being medicine cat?


Who is willowpaw?

She is the medicine cat apprentice of river clan in the power of three "the sight". :)

Who does willowshine love?

Willowshine is a medicine cat in the Warriors series, and as a medicine cat she is not supposed to have a mate or romantic relationship. She is devoted to her duties and serving her clan.

How old should a medicine cat be in moons?

A medicine cat should be at least six moons old in order to start training as an apprentice and become a full medicine cat.

What are things medicine cats should know about their connection with Starclan?

Medicine cats should know how to interpret signs and omens from StarClan, communicate with their ancestors through dreams or visions, and seek guidance on healing herbs and remedies to help their clan. It's also important for them to establish a strong spiritual connection with StarClan to receive wisdom and advice in times of need.

Why can't medicine cats fall in love?

Medicine cats cannot fall in love because they must remain impartial and focused on their duties to their clan. Getting involved romantically can cloud their judgment and ability to make decisions that are in the best interest of the clan. Additionally, having a mate and offspring could potentially create conflicts of interest within the clan.