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It depends on what state you live in what happens when you marry someone who owes back child support. In a community property state, such as California, he owns half of anything his wife owns, whether or not it is in his name. This means that a lien can be placed on your home even if it is only in your name, once you are married.

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Q: Can they put a lien on my house that is under my name when i get married because of his unpaid child support?
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Can an adult child get unpaid child support in Alabama?

No, child support is not paid to the child but to the parent raising the child.

Can a child sue for child support after the age of 18 if the father has never paid a penny?

Yes a child can sue a parent for unpaid child support if there was a child support order.

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There is no statute of limitations on unpaid child support.

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If you mean, "enlist," - yes, but military service doesn't relieve you of your child support obligation.

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While there is no statue of limitation for collecting court ordered unpaid back child support, there is for unordered support...the age of 21 of the dependent child. The child at the age of 18 may sue the noncustodial parent for unpaid support that was not ordered by the courts. This has been done at least twice.

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The will cannot be challenged; however, the State's child support agency may file a claim on the estate.

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Debt consolidation schemes are almost never a good idea. Also, keep in mind that there is no statute of limitations on collecting unpaid child support, and unpaid support is not discharged in bankruptcy.

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Your custodial parent can collect unpaid support that accrued under an order. Support sometimes continues after the child becomes an adult if the child is disabled.

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No. However, contact your State's child support agency (i.e., MI). They can take various actions to collect unpaid support. Be patient but persistent. Good luck!

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Yes, just because a father gets remarried this does not mean that he doesn't have to care for his child.

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Yup. The sun never sets on unpaid child support.

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As an asset, it can be attached, even in cases of retroactive support for a child the man never knew existed.