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Q: Can tight pantyhose cause a urinary tract infection?
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Wearing tight jeans can cause a yeast infection. Also make sure you are wiping correctly. Eating yogurt will help get rid of the yeast infection faster.

Why are pantyhose called tights?

Have you worn them? They are TIGHT!!

Can pantyhose be of benefit to diabetic men?

Not pantyhose. Support stockings, which help return circulation in the lower extremities. Please have them recommended or fitted by your doctor. Ones that are too tight can cause more damage than help.

What are some tips on how to get rid of a yeast infection?

To get rid of yeast infection, one should wear cotton underwear, avoid wearing tight pants and clothing made from synthetic fiber like pantyhose, limit the use of scented hygiene products like sprays and bubble bath, and of course, use anti-fungal medication.

Can girls sleep with pantyhose on?

Of course! It can get a little uncomfortable since they are usually rather tight and are not made of fabric that breathes well.

Will think oil in a lawn mower cause the pull cord to be tight?

No the pull chord will not cause the pull cord to be tight. The coil on the lawn mower will cause the compression to be tight.

Why do men get an instant hard on when they wear pantyhose?

because they love the sexy silky feeling of it. every man has a feminism side. i am 14 years old i am a straight guy. but i do find it arousing to wear pantyhose or tight leotard pants. i used to find it arousing at first. but not anymore. i used to love getting hard on when wearing pantyhose/leotard leggings. another reason why men get hard on is because the men caress their legs in pantyhose. i know i love caressing my legs in pantyhose. i also like to rub them against each other. it feels good and very sexy and it sounds sexy. I as a boy have pantyhose/leotard pants fetish.

The type of cell junction that prevents the contents of the stomach or urinary bladder from leaking into surrounding tissues is the?

Tight Junctions

The type of cell junction that prevents the contents of the stomach or urinary bladder from leaking into surrounding tissues?

tight junctions

Can you sleep in pantyhose?

Women's pantyhose are made two primary ways:polyester nylon - none are plain "silk nylon" like pre-1940spolyester nylon with "support" built inThe biggest problem with modern polyester nylon pantyhose is that nylon does not absorb moisture. In fact, it traps moisture against the skin. The skin, as the main mechanism for regulating body temperature, needs exposed to the air or at least to material / fabric that "breathes" (lets air through the fabric).Occasionally falling asleep wearing regular pantyhose is no big deal. But if you wear them regularly, you will trap moisture against the skin; the skin will not cool effectively. Yeast, which is on everyone's skin, LOVES moist, warm, dark areas, such as the genitals. When you trap sweat against the body, you can end up with a skin yeast infection that makes the skin red, itchy, and it burns. Yeast skin infections need oral and topical medications to get rid of it. This is a big reason to NOT sleep in pantyhose.Also if it is the support kind, support pantyhose puts pressure on muscles, which compresses against veins. You need to give the muscles time to relax, without support hose on. If that compression is too tight against a vein behind the knee or in the groin, over time it could cause a blood clot. Clots can cause heart attack, stroke, or death. So it is not a good idea to wear support pantyhose when sleeping. You can also get skin yeast infections, because support hose breathe much less than regular polyester nylons blends used in pantyhose.

Can positive camber cause a tight steering wheel?

Positive camber can cause all sorts of issues but not a tight steering wheel.

Can a sinus infection make your face red?

Yes it can It can feel tight or