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well if you walk to much your a$$hole will expand making it easier to get penetrated by me

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Q: Can to much walking affect your rectum or anus?
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Can you blow up a anus?

Yes by exscerting to much pressure to the lower intestinal area causing it to blow out you rectum

What does the term anal mean?

Rectum is the scientific term for the last piece of colon of our digestive trackt. It has muscles used to push excrement out of your colon. The rectum is connected to the anus, which is 'the opening'. The muscles used to keep the anus closed is called the sphincter muscle, this is a circular muscle.

What is the muscular opening through which wastes are removed from body?

Waste is removed out the the rectum then out of the anus. The sphincter is what controls how much comes out at once. J.w

What does a rectum do?

It is stored there for a while of time until it is released through the anus. Nothing much happens in it because it has already been broken down a lot from the other organs, and enzymes have been added.

How do you get rid of solid waste?

Food enters the stomach where acids break down the material. In the small intestine, the material has much more fluid and the body begins to move that fluid to the kidneys as further break-down occurs. By the time it reaches the large intestine, it becomes much more "formed". It passes through the colon, further through to the rectum where humans sense the pressure of a needed bowel movement. The BM then passes from the rectum and out the anus. Note that in diarrhea, changes occur in how much fluid can be drawn off and excreted via the urinary system. In profound diarrhea, the matter is mostly fluid mixed with some formed excrement.

What makes us poop so much?

Because the rectum forcefully excretes waste from the anus emptying the bladder of waste making a large log shaped or square defecate.

How much waste can the rectum hold?

your rectum can hold 1 pound of poo

Can you have an anus transplant?

It seems the anal sphincter, the annular (circular) muscle that opens and closes the anus, can be reconstructed using the gracilis muscles that extend from the tibia (lower leg bone) to the pelvic area. This procedure might be done in cases of severe or total anal incontinence - that is, that the patient has little or no control of the anus. Since the anus is nothing more than the opening of the rectum and consists only of the sphincter muscle and surrounding tissue, this would pretty much qualify as an anal transplant in my opinion.

Does a pill cam take an image of the anus before it gets pooped out?

A pill cam takes at least one picture every second, maybe more. The anus however, is just a thin slice (you know, the butthole) so whether or not it got a picture of it during it's exit, would be all based on timing. The rectum however, is much bigger than the anus, and the pill cam would definitely get a picture or two of that.

Do sports affect peoples walking paces?

Well, I do not know the answer to that however, how much you walk affects your walking pace. So, if you walk each day soon you will be to a jog. Or, even a run.

How do cows fart?

It's called "bowel movement". Nerves in the rectum and anus send messages to the cow's brain that the rectum is full and feces need to be expelled. Nerve impulses are then sent back to the rectum, anus and lower abdominal muscles to begin the waste-expelling-process. Smooth muscle contractions in the rectum push the feces to the anus in a similar matter that food is pushed down by the esophagus into the stomach chamber. The muscles in the anus relax, and the smooth muscle contractions as well as the abdominal muscles stimulate excretion of the feces. This continues until all fecal matter that has "lined up" to be excreted are expelled. All animals have this ability, including us humans. If the nerves that are responsible for excretion of wastes (or rather, control of impulses to defecate or urinate) are damaged, the cow will have to be put down. For pets, manual stimulation must be done every so often so that the animal can defecate or urinate. Often nerves cannot be repaired, and owners feel the better alternative is to put them down.

What is the meaning of rectal?

A rectal is an important part of the abdominal and genitourinary examination. It is an important procedure for detecting not only gastrointestinal disease but disease in other pelvic organs. A doctor will conduct a rectal exam by inserting a finger into the anus and moving up towards the rectum ( the lower, terminal segment of large bowel), gently feeling around the area as they go. It's one of the more awkward exams that can be conducted, but, it's virtually painless...although, there may possibly be slight discomfort after the fact.