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Q: Can too much protein stunt growth?
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Does muscle milk stunt your growth?

Muscle Milk is made up of low quality protein, and simple sugars. Although not an ideal food for anyone, it contains nothing that will stunt your growth.

If you run too much can you stunt your growth?

You may not stunt your growth, but you will suffer injuries from over use of your bones, tendons and muscles.

Can bench press stunt your growth?

If done correctly, the bench press will not stunt your growth. However, performing the exercise using poor form or too much weight can result in injury that can limit vertical growth.

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Does break danceing stunt your growth?

Not really unless you put too much strain on your hands and spine.

Can eating too much candy really stunt your growth?

yes,it does.the refined sugar increases insulin which slows down the effects of hgh which is necessary for growth.

Can lifting light weight with high intensity to failure stunt growth?

Lifting light weight with high intensity can stunt growth in children if used too early.

Does weight lifting too early stunt growth?

No, this is a myth. The idea is that the ends of the bone are still growing, so it could stunt growth if you break a bone. But this is undocumented, and there are too many benefits to lifting to neglect.

How does too much protein affect a puppy?

Protein is needed for all dogs bit minimal amounts of protein is healthier for puppies. Protein is said to assist in growth... too much isn't good for joints etc. Encorouging a puppy to grow any faster than its natural growth rate is just silly and dangerous.

How many pounds can you benchpress without stunting your growth?

You can bench press as much as you want. PROPER weight lifting will NOT stunt your growth. The only way youm will stunt your growth is by puttng too much pressure on your spine. So if you feel like your spine (not back muscles) are burning or hurting, STOP drop weight-or -ask a PROFESSIONAL trainer to look at your form.

What happens if you consume too much or too little protein?

too much protein can cause strain on the kidneys too much protein can cause strain on the kidneys

What does protein help to do within the body?

Help repair cells and growth in hair . That's the basics