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Yes, you see how my mother reacts when I do stuff like that

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Q: Can touching a dead wasp then touching your eyes cause a reaction?
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touching your eyes, mouth,and noise with your hand

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What is the cause of dry skin around the eyes, and how can I remedy this at home with out a doctor?

Dry skin around the eyes can be caused by excessively rubbing or touching the eyes, or by allergies. You can remedy this condition by washing your face using a special moisturizer, putting cucumbers over the eyes for several minutes, or by not touching your eyes excessively.

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Wearing lenses releases a chemical that can cause redness of the eyes or even cause an allergic reaction. It also limits oxygen to getting to your eyes which will cause reduced corneal nutrition.

How do you avoid getting chlamydia in your eyes?

Adults usually get chlamydia in their eyes by touching their genitals and then touching their eyes. Besides avoiding genital chlamydia infection, the other easy answer is to wash your hands after touching your genitals or those of a partner.

What may cause our eyes to blink shut if an object moving quickly towards your face?

A Reflex Reaction.

Can chlamydia cause pinguecula?

Yes, chlamydia trachomatis can cause conjunctivitis. It's usually spread from someone touching their own infected genitals and then touching their eyes. Babies born to women infected with chlamydia can also get it.

When was Eyes of the Dead created?

Eyes of the Dead was created in 2004.

How do bacteria cause infection?

touching your eyes, mouth,and noise with your hand

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When was Through the Eyes of the Dead created?

Through the Eyes of the Dead was created in 2003.

When did Through the Eyes of the Dead end?

Through the Eyes of the Dead ended in 2012.