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Q: Can tourette syndrome cause brain damage?
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What is tourettes syndrome and did Mozart have it?

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that can cause behaviorial outbursts and has no permanent cure and no Mozart did not have Tourette Syndrome he had ADHD.

What is the medical disorder that causes a person to speak uncontrolled insults?

There are several disorders that can cause what you are saying one of them is dementia or other brain damage. The others are called chronic tics. These are ones that last more than a year and a person can produce insults and bad names or improper words. This is not usual in people with Tourette's syndrome. But it can happen.

When women drink alcohol during pregnancy they can cause significant brain damage called?

Fetal alcohol syndrome of the brain.

If you have Tourette's syndrome can you collect disability pay?

yes as this syndrome can cause trouble especially around machinery. But I bet the answer is no.

Does Tourette syndrome cause learning problems?

some children have learning disabilities, intelligence is not impaired

Is Tourette syndrome a single gene disorder?

The exact cause of Tourette syndrome is currently unknown, but it is well established that both genetic and environmental factors are involved. Genetic epidemiology studies have shown that the overwhelming majority of cases of Tourette syndrome are inherited, although the exact mode of inheritance is not yet known and no gene has been identified. It seems unlikely that only a single gene controls Tourette syndrome, most likely it is the result of some suite of interacting genes.

What does Tourette syndrome do to the body?

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that normally occurs in childhood. People with Tourette Syndrome tic, and tics are repetitive movements that they can't control. People with Tourette Syndrome can grow out of it, and they can be just as successful as someone without Tourette Syndrome. Roughly 2% of Americans have Tourette Syndrome, yet a lot of people still know nothing about the disorder. You can get Tourette Syndrome genetically, and there is a 50% chance you will pass it on to your child. There is also the possibility that there is an imbalanced level of Dopamine in the patents' body, which results in tics. Hope that helps!

What syndrome can cause brain injury paralysis or death?

reye's syndrome

What causes the damage in shaken baby syndrome?

The cause of the brain, neck, and spine damage that can result from shaken baby syndrome is brute force. The violent shaking of a baby by a much stronger adult conveys a tremendous amount of energy to the infant.

What kind of permanent damage can a concussion cause?

If concussions aren't treated properly (such as going to the hospital). The person with the concussion can develop what's called second impact syndrome. It's called this because if they get hit on the head again, it can cause follow-up brain bruising. Which can cause permanent damage to the brain.

What is the cause of tourettes?

The exact cause of Tourette's syndrome is actually unknown. Studies have nailed down that genetic and environmental factors are involved when a person has this condition though.

Does ecstasy cause brain damage the size of a quarter?

It cause zero brain damage, if used in moderation...