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The exact cause of Tourette syndrome is currently unknown, but it is well established that both genetic and environmental factors are involved. Genetic epidemiology studies have shown that the overwhelming majority of cases of Tourette syndrome are inherited, although the exact mode of inheritance is not yet known and no gene has been identified. It seems unlikely that only a single gene controls Tourette syndrome, most likely it is the result of some suite of interacting genes.

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Q: Is Tourette syndrome a single gene disorder?
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What is turrets syndrom?

Tourette syndrome (TS) is an inherited disorder of the nervous system, characterized by a variable expression of unwanted movements and noises (tics).DescriptionThe first references in the literature to what might today be classified as Tourette syndrome largely describe individuals who were wrongly believed to be possessed by the devil. In 1885 Gilles de la Tourette, a French neurologist, provided the first formal description of this syndrome, which he described as an inherited neurological condition characterized by motor and vocal tics.Although vocal and motor tics are the hallmark of Tourette syndrome, such other symptoms as the expression of socially inappropriate comments or behaviors, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, self-injuring behavior, depression, and anxiety also appear to be associated with Tourette syndrome. Most research suggests that Tourette syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder, although a gene responsible for Tourette syndrome has not yet been discovered.Tourette syndrome is found in all populations and all ethnic groups, but is three to four times more common in males than females and is more common in children than adults. The exact frequency of Tourette syndrome is unknown, but estimates range from 0.05% to 3%.

Is Tourette's syndrome a karyotype or pedigree?

Tourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder which can be caused by genetics or certain environmental factors. There is a certain gene which is said to be involved with the onset of TS, but not everyone diagnosed with the disorder has a genetic mutation. When a genetic mutation is present, it affects the chemical balance in neurons, causing the onset of motor and vocal tics. Hope that answered your question.

Is tourettte syndrom inherited?

Yes and No. Some people with Tourette's Syndrome inherited it but about 10-15% represent new gene mutations. It is thought now to be a genetic disorder (carried on our genes) but persons, whose parents do not carry any of the genes that might be the cause, could be the FIRST in their family line to start it by having an abnormality in a gene develop during cell divisions after the ovum and sperm have joined. Not everyone who inherits a gene carrying the trait for Tourette's Syndrome will have it. Some will have very few or even no symptoms of Tourette's Syndrome but (primarily females) may develop Obsessive Compulsive symptoms. A search engine will give you a list of many very helpful entries about Tourette's Syndrome (TS). Some of those will be erroneous.

What gene does bipolar disorder happen in?

There is not a single gene responsible for bipolar disorder that has been identified.

What isa genetic disorder?

A genetic disorder is an abnormal condition that a person inherits through genes or chromosomes. an example is autism. human being

On what chromosome is tourette syndrome located on?

They don't know yet, Recent research suggests that a small number of Tourette syndrome cases may be caused by a defect on chromosome 13 of gene SLITRK1. and some other chromosomes like 7. There now busy with a study to find the genes that may cause tourette syndrome, results will be given by 2018

What are the causes of Noonan syndrome?

Noonan syndrome is caused by the mutation in a particular gene. It is a genetic disorder which means that the child which is born with this disorder, must have been in their parents.

How is tourette syndrome inherited?

by genetics. if you carry the gene you have a 50 percent chance of showing signs. boys are more likely to show symptoms

Is Tourette syndrome inherited?

by genetics. if you carry the gene you have a 50 percent chance of showing signs. boys are more likely to show symptoms

Why are people with tourettes often swearing?

People with Tourette's syndrome are often found swearing because they are unable to control their compulsion. Only 10% of people who suffer from Tourette's syndrome struggle with compulsive swearing.

Is usher syndrome a gene or chromosomal?

Usher syndrome is a relatively rare genetic disorder caused by a mutation. The gene is not carried on one of the sex chromosomes (X or Y).

How is usher syndrome inherited?

Usher syndrome is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. The term autosomal means that the mutated gene is not located on either of the chromosomes that determine a person's sex; in other words, both males and females can have the disorder and can pass along the disorder to a child. The word recessive means that to have Usher syndrome, an individual must receive a mutated form of the Usher syndrome gene from each parent. If a child has a mutation in one Usher syndrome gene but the other gene is normal, he or she is predicted to have normal vision and hearing. Individuals with a mutation in a gene that can cause an autosomal recessive disorder are called carriers, because they "carry" the gene with a mutation but show no symptoms of the disorder. If both parents are carriers of a mutated gene for Usher syndrome, they will have a one-in-four chance of having a child with Usher syndrome with each birth.