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Male-to-Female - no. Female-to Male - maybe, depending on the degree of conversion. Still has a uterus, then it's possible. No uterus(womb) no possibility for pregnancy.

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Q: Can transwoman get pregnant
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Can a transgenerd woman get another woman pregnant?

Yes, if the person is male-to-female transgender (AKA was designated male at birth, is transitioning to living as a woman). A transwoman is often male-bodied and, thus, has a penis, scrotum, seminal vesicles, etc., and sperm. Although the sperm have likely been altered by any hormone therapy, which is common in transgender people, it would still be possible to fertilize an egg and make someone pregnant. If a transwoman has had sex reassignment surgery (has had a vaginoplasty, has had her penis/balls removed) then she no longer produces sperm and is unable to get anyone pregnant. No, if the person is female-to-male transgender (AKA was designated female at birth, is transitioning to living as a man). People who are born female do not have the necessary reproductive organs to produce sperm, so are not able to get anyone pregnant.

Would a transwoman have to have ovaries and womb donated or do they grow during hormone therapy?

Transgendered women are sterile, they do not have ovaries or a womb.

Will mtf transsexual pregnancy be possible by 2013?

With luck yes transwoman Sarah luiz is seeking urteus transplant enabling her to have a child

What if you are boy who finds girls attractive but you wait to be a girl and if you get a sex change you know you will still like girls are you normal?

Most people would just consider you to be a perfectly normal lesbian transwoman. Kate Bornstein is a good example of a transwoman who was always attracted to women, even after her transition. She has a book called "Gender Outlaw" that discusses issues relevant to the trans community. But your gender identity and your sexual orientation are not definitive of who you are: Be true to yourself, and it shouldn't matter whether other people think you are "normal" or not. You are the only person who can judge what feels right in your life.

Can a pregnant girls get pregnant while she is pregnant?

No. She is all ready pregnant.

Can you get pregnant from a shemale?

A shemale or transwoman is often male-bodied and, thus, has a penis, scrotum, seminal vesicles, etc., and sperm. Although the sperm have likely been altered by any hormone therapy, which is common in transgender people, it would still be possible to fertilize an egg and make someone pregnant. Please don't use the word "shemale," it is offensive and dehumanizing, reducing a person to a fetish and sex object. Instead, use "transwoman" or "MTF (male-to-female transsexual)."

What does semi pregnant mean?

Nothing. You are either pregnant or you are not pregnant - you can not be semi pregnant.

Can you get a woman pregnant if she pregnant?

No. Once pregnant, a woman can't get pregnant-er.

Im not pregnant but sometimes you feel morning sickness can this be that im pregnant?

If you are not pregnant then no you cannot be pregnant.

Who is Selena gomez pregnant of?

Selena is NOT pregnant.

Can transwoman have testube babies?

No. Neither a transwoman (transgender woman) nor a transsexual woman can ever have children. Both were born with male reproductive organs, not female ones. Most transwomen refuse genital surgery and claim they can be women with penises, while transsexual women will get the corrective surgery to become whole if they are financially and physically able. However, the surgery only removes the testes and reworks male parts into a vagina and labia. No uterus nor other internal female parts are transplanted nor created. Before hormones and surgery, both transwomen and transsexual women can father children. After surgery, TS women cannot father or mother children.

Do you get pregnant after menstruation?

you can get pregnant