

Can two female Bettas be together?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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13y ago

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Yes, you can. Just be sure not to put two males together!!! Also, the females can get aggressive. They will establish a pecking order. Just make sure that one doesn't pick on the other one. is a great site for information.

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18y ago
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8y ago

Yes, you can put 2 FEMALE bettas together Ideally you should keep female bettas in a heavily planted tank that is no smaller than five gallons. Minimal filtration is required, as bettas do not generally like much water movement. This is doubly true for surface aggitation, as they are surface breathers. In a set up like this, you should have no fewer than 6 female bettas. Less than 6 females in one tank and you will have a lot of fighting as they establish and re=establish a pecking order. Never put two or three females into a jar together, as the dominant female will herass her tank mates to death (literally). AFTER THOUGHT: Do not fail to perform routine tank maintenance (water changes) to keep the females happy and healthy. it depends. sometimes they nip at each other. if that happens separate them . if not keep them together for as long as u like .

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14y ago

Female Bettas should be OK together provided you have enough room to keep them in. The absolute minimum amount of care any fish needs is as follows. :- 1 inch of fish must have a minimum of 1 gallon of water. (2 female Bettas would need at least a 5 gallon tank.) Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. Every tank must have a minimum of 50% of its water replaced every week.

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11y ago

Under the correct conditions, female bettas can live together. You will need a tank of at least 10 gallons and it needs to be heavily decorated/planted heated and filtered/cycled. For female bettas to live together safely you need a minimum of 4 females. This way they can establish a hierarchy similar to a wolf pack. any less than 4 and one female will just beat up on the others until they are dead. a lot of it depends on the personalities of the individual girls. For stocking, use the 2 gallon per betta rule, to be sure you aren't cramming too many girls into too small of a space.

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13y ago

Sometimes yes and sometimes no, when they are nipping at each other i would separate each other but if they don't then they should be fine.

(by previous author)

Usually females who grew up together and have never been separated will live happily as a pair of females but on average female Bettas will settle better in groups of three but preferably more.

They will often nip and display until a basic hierarchy is established, especially if a new female is added or if one has been temporarily removed for breeding then returned.

The larger the number of females in the sorority (within reason due to space and filtration needs), the less chance you will have of any serious bullying so a 40-60litre tank with 6 females is often much more successful than the same with only 3 females.

You will also need to provide them with plenty of hiding spots to ensure they all have their own resting places to have best results when keeping female Bettas together.

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11y ago

If they're two females, yes. If they're very young and were spawned in the same tank, two males can live together, but only for a little while before they start fighting.

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Only male Bettas fight and they will only fight with other male Bettas. A male Betta will kill the female if she will not spawn with him. He will also kill her after she has spawned if she is not removed.

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2 female Bettas will not fight provided they are in a large enough aquarium.

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Male Bettas can not be kept with any other members of the Betta family. They can be kept with other species quite safely but will not tollerate another Betta (male or female) in their vicinity. Female Bettas can be kept together OK.

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well I got two male bettas and a female in a tank together and they did not hurt one anouther. so try it but when you put them together then watch them so they do not harm or kill each other. lol!

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No. Male Bettas will not tolerate another Betta in its vicinity.

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yes bettas do fight for the woman that is y u only puts one male and one female in a tank together. but no more than one male.