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Q: Can unbleached whole flour be substituted for bread flour?
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Are pitas made with flour?

Yes. Pita bread can be made with white, unbleached white or whole wheat flour.

Is it possible to have wholemeal pita bread?

Yes. Wholemeal flour can be substituted for up to half the white flour when making pita bread at home. Most supermarkets carry whole wheat (whole meal) pita bread alongside pita made with white flour.

Can all purpose flour be substituted for whole wheat flour when making Banana Bread?

It will be a little lighter in consistency and raise just a little bit more, but neither will be a problem.

The recipe for whole wheat bread requires 3 cups of bread flour and 1 cups of whole wheat flour What is the ratio of whole wheat flour to total flour used?

The recipe for whole wheat bread requires 3 cups of bread flour, and 1 cup of whole wheat flour, making the ratio of whole wheat flour to total flour used to be 1:4.

Why is bread made from whole meal or whole wheat flour better than bread made from white flour?

its healthier for you

How do you make whole wheat bread?

You use a regular bread recipe and substitute half of the flour with whole wheat flour.

Which bread last the longest brown bread or white bread?

Whole grain (brown) bread is better than white (refined) bread nutritionally. Whole grain bread, which is typically made with wheat, rye, or oat flour, retains the entire grain when producing the bread. Whole grains are very good for you. White bread contains refined flour, typically refined wheat flour, which is not whole grain.

What are the different ingredient in baking that can be substituted?

whole wheat flour and regular flour shortening for PAM (when greasing pans only)

What bread has less calories white bread french bread or wheat bread?

The question cannot be answered, because white french bread is wheat bread. Any bread made with wheat flour is wheat bread. You might intend to ask about whole wheat or whole grain bread, which is made with part or all whole grain flour.

Is rye a whole grain?

If you actually meant "whole wheat" bread, then no. Rye is a different type of grain than wheat. If you meant "whole grain" bread, then the answer is "not necessarily." Check the label for the ingredients. Some rye breads contain white flour, for example, which is not a whole grain flour.

Where does whole-meal bread come from?

It comes from the same bakery your regular white bread comes from. The bakery just uses whole grains and whole wheat flour instead of bleached milled white flour.

Is wheat flour and yeast the same?

Yes. Wheat flour is the same as Plain Flour. Unless recipe calls for whole-wheat flour, that would mean wholemeal flour.