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Yes it can I have been left with hardly any sight in my left eye due to t.b along with other problems

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Q: Can untreated tuberculosis cause blindness
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Can drugs cause color blindness?

Some medications such as antibiotics, barbiturates, anti-tuberculosis drugs, high blood pressure medications, and several medications used to treat nervous disorders and psychological problems may cause color blindness.

How long does a person who has glaucoma live?

Untreated glaucoma can cause blindness, but it's not itself directly fatal. Someone with glaucoma will live, on average, about as long as they would have if they'd gone blind from some other cause.

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What is the danger of untreated galucoma?

The danger is it will probably lead to total blindness.

What is the end result of glaucoma?

If left untreated glaucoma causes blindness.

Does tv cause blindness?

Television does not cause blindness.

Can diabetes lead to blindness?

While insulin can have side effects (particularly when more than prescribed is used), it does not cause blindness. Diabetes can cause retinal (eye) problems, though, which could be the reason some people believe insulin to cause eye problems.

What is the purpose of cryotherapy for cataracts?

The procedure is used to treat cataracts.Cryotherapy is performed to remove the clouding protein matter from the lens. If left untreated, cataracts may eventually cause blindness

What is the usual cause of color blindness?

The cause of color blindness is X-linked factors.

Can dehydration cause blindness?

Yes it can cause permanent blindness and immflamation of the brain.

What is it Uveitis?

Uveitis is an eye condition, which left untreated, can cause blindness. It is caused by inflammation ( swelling ) in the back of the eye. It is possible to cure it by using eye drops or getting injections directly into the eye.

Can trachoma be contagious?

The infection is highly contagious in its early stages. Blindness results from recurrent untreated infections.