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No. Viruses must invade a host cell and hijack its resources to replicate itself.

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Q: Can viruses reproduce by themselves
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WHY do viruses reproduce in the living cell?

to divide themselves

Why scientist believe that virus are not living organisms?

viruses do not grow, and viruses do not respond to changes in their environment. Therefore, viruses are not living organisms. All living things reproduce, but Viruses need living cells to reproduce because Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.

Can viruses can reproduce by themselves?

No. Viruses must invade a host cell and hijack its resources to replicate itself.

Are Viruses able to reproduce without using other organisms?

viruses are dormant when they are not inside a living cell. that means they don't have living characteristics when outside a living cell. they only reproduce when they are inside a living cell.

Does a virus use sexual reproduction?

Viruses cannot reproduce themselves alone. They inject their DNA into living cells of a host organism. The virus cells use the host cells to develop themselves and leave the cell when ready. Viruses are not living, so they are dependent on a living organism for reproduction.

What is a difference between bacteria and viruses shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses are nit?

Part of the definition of a living thing is that it can reproduce itself, which a virus can't do. Bacteria reproduce like any other cellular organism: by cellular division. Viruses, however, can not reproduce themselves. Instead, they infect other cells and force those to make more viruses.

How do viruses reprodce?

Viruses called Worms can reproduce by copying themselves into other files. They can also attach to emails and filesharing. There tricky and harmful to any computer.

Can viruses kill cells?

Yes. Viruses' only aim is to reproduce; if they invade a cell and are not killed off, they will continue replicating themselves until the cell bursts.

What are reasons viruses are considered non living?

Two very important reasons are growth and reproduction. Viruses do not have a way of converting potential energy, or photonic energy, into useful forms; no metabolism. Viruses can not reproduce on their own and must hijack a cell's reproductive machinery to reproduce themselves.

What structure differentiates from a bacteria?

In terms of what ? I u are asking about bacteria in terms of viruses Bacteria are living and can reproduce themselves While viruses are ghosts they can only live inside a host and also can reproduce inside it Hope i answered u

What can viruses reprouduce?

Viruses don't actually reproduce by themselves. When they enter somebodies body, they take over a cell and sort of hack its system to make the cell produce copies of the virus and not itself. That is why you get sick.

What to viruses reproduce?

a host Cell