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Yes, it's called condensation.

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Q: Can water being re heated and turning into water vapour be reversed?
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I assume it is "what does the conversion of water mean?" Water can be converted to ice by being frozen. Or to steam to drive a steam engine by being super heated. Or changed to water vapour by being heated until the water is evaporated away (as in desalination of sea water) and the water vapour to be condensed back into drinkable water free of salt.

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When any liquid is heated and a vapour is given off, it is usually a gaseous form of that liquid. Although it can usually result in water being given off if a hydroxide and another diatomic molecule is heated eg. OH and CO3 (these are only the diatomic molecules) into H20 and CO2.Hydrate is a term used in inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry to indicate that a substance contains water. hence water is the vapour that is given off

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i think its: thermal energy (from source of biomass being heated) ---> kinetic energy (from steam turning the turbine) ---> electrical energy (generator)

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No it can't.

What are 4 convections?

the air being heated from a fireplace,air from a furnace,boiling water,the air being heated in a hot air balloon.

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