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Q: Can we make a rainforest in Europe What would it require?
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What you would need to make a rainforest diorama?

tissue paper

Why would can you make out of a rainforest?

ill say you can make medicine n keep more oxygen you can make it out of leaves

Could the amazon rainforest be completely felled?

It is possible for the Amazon Rainforest to be completely felled. This would cause great destruction in the area because many animals would lose there habitats. It would also be a problem for drug companies that make medicines because many of the plants in the rainforest are used for this purpose.

Why did european explorers hope to find the northwest passage?

It would make it easier for trading ships to sail from Europe to Asia.

Why are animals important to the people who live in the rainforest?

Protection and hunting but also its the way they live, no animals in the rainforest = no man kind in the rainforest but by today these animals are getting extinct so it would make a difference because were in the middle of the latest mass extinction but we are trying to make it as little as possible so we don't loose many different species.

How do you make a rainforest diorama?

you can use plasticine, twigs, leaves, rocks anything you want and make a scene in a box to look like a rainforest.

What parts of the rainforest make up a rainforest?

Do you mean the layers of the rainforest? If so: The emergent layer, the canopy layer, the understory layer and the forest floor layer.

How much would it cost to go to the Amazon rainforest?

There are tons of things that would include the price of visiting the rainforest. There is the packing supplies you have to consider and also the vaccinations. You would have to pay the airline price and money for hotels and food ect. Finally, there would be the cost of having a tour guide lead you through the rainforest because you would definitely not want to go alone! Also, if I were you, before I visit the rainforest I would pray about it. There are so many more important things you could use that money for like SAVING the rainforest instead of seeing it. But if you're sure you want to visit it, make sure you consider all of these different costs. Have a great day!

How do you make a sentence with tropical rainforest?

just put the word in a sentence like i'm going to the tropical rainforest

How much Co2 do the trees in the Amazon rainforest make a year?

Amazon rainforest trees don't make carbon dioxide, they take it in. The Amazon rainforest absorbs 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.

Why do humans use the rainforest?

for the lumber to make homes

Does Switzerland have a Rainforest?

I do not think so - it looks like the only rainforest is at the Zurich zoo. Switzerland's four seasons do not really make for good (natural) rainforest development anyway.