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Q: Can we take raw garlic before jogging?
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Is swallowing garlic good for the body?

Raw garlic wont hurt you,it will make you smell though. Take raw ginger with it and you wont smell.

Is raw garlic and raw onion halal?

Garlic and onions halal but eating after going to masjd tail not be annoying people

Is raw garlic good for a chest infection?

Raw garlic is reputedly good for chest conditions.However,the big garlic(king garlic) should be used as the smaller variety can easily burn soft tissue when it is ingested.

Is garlic a carbohydrate?

Three cloves of raw garlic have 3g of carbs.

What can you do if garlic is too strong in your recipe?

try a raw potato to absorb some of the garlic

How do you make a prediction about garlic?

Try it raw.

Does pickled garlic have the food value that they have raw?


Is it good to eat garlic raw?


What year wass garlic found?

Garlic has been used as a food by humans since long before recorded history. Wild garlic would have been pulled up and eaten raw, as were many other plants. There is no way of knowing what year a human first found the garlic plant.

Can Garlic lower chorestrol?

Eating garlic has been shown to improve cholesterol. Raw garlic contains a form of sulfur and is more powerful than cooked garlic.

Does garlic affects sperm production?

Yes it does. It will increase it greatly by millions per one or two garlic cloves eaten raw with water aday. Chew garlic in mouth and drink it down with the water fast or comfortable for you.

How does garlic prevents caries?

Garlic prevents caries by killing the bacteria that causes it. Only raw garlic will have this effect, as the antiseptic compound is destroyed when heated.